翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / ネイティブ 英語 / 2 Reviews / 2013/10/04 00:14:04

premiumdotz 53 I am a graduate of Teacher Education ...



Generally, the first thing that comes into one's mind when Italy is mention is tomato. However, tomatoes are not from Italy, but from South America. Furthermore, the history of tomato as an ingredient for cooking is very superficial. It's doesn't even go over 200 years. Looking back at Ancient Rome where Italian cuisine originated from is like a thing of yesterday.

レビュー ( 2 )

tearz 50 翻訳経験豊富です。 過去の実績や評価などご確認ください。 ご連絡お待ち...
tearzはこの翻訳結果を"★"と評価しました 2014/08/12 15:49:31



dosanko 57 ある一人の特定の人から執拗に理不尽に格下げされています。英語文書の慣習も知...
dosankoはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2014/08/13 19:23:10

Generally, the first thing that comes into one's mind when Italy is mention is tomato. However, tomatoes are not from Italy, but from South America. Furthermore, the history of tomato as an ingredient for cooking is very superficial. It's doesn't even go over 200 years. Looking back at Ancient Rome where Italian cuisine originated from is like a thing of yesterday.

Generally, the first thing that comes into one's mind that one of the most representative products in Italy is a tomato. However, a tomato's place of origin is not Italy but South America. Furthermore, the history of tomato as an edible food is very superficial. It just goes back over 200 years. Compared to the fact that the birth of Italian cuisine dates back ancient Rome, it seems like yesterday that we began consuming tomatoes.

Baptist history is superficialのように歴史は浅いという意味で、spuperficialを使うというのを始めて知りました。勉強させていただきました。短時間で慌てて出してでも出さないとお金にならないから、いろいろ誰にでも間違いはあります。印象だけで評価されてはたまったものではないですね。

