翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/04 14:03:24

sachin 50 ボランティアで自然保護団体や国際協力関係の翻訳をしたことがあります。

or in pursuance of other needs or reasons — you a younger man addressing an older one."The bulk of the nobiles, both ex-Pompeians and adherents of Caesar, banished from Italy, were with Pompeius. With Pompeius they found a refuge, with Brutus and Cassius a party and a cause, armies of legions and the hope of vengeance. When a civil war seemed only a contest of factions in the nobility, many young men of spirit and distinction chose Caesar in preference to Pompeius; but they would not tolerate Caesar's ostensible political heirs and the declared enemies of their own class. The older men were dead, dishonored or torpid: the young nobiles went in a body to the camp, eagerly or with the energy of despair.



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