翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 68 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/05/01 21:39:45

jaga 68

Million Moments (iOS, Android) – Produced by Sony and primarily focused on photo viewing, Million Moments is a nice though possibly useless departure from the other apps in this list. It allows you to assemble small slideshows so that you can view with your friends. I’d rather view photos on my computer or TV though.

Snapdish (iOS, Android) – Another interesting niche take on photos is Snapdish. It’s all about photos and food, the ideal app for food-lovers, and they’re big population, half of my friends take photos before they eat. Snapdish puts this all in one place and connects food-lovers with each other, thus socializing food.


Million Moments (iOS、Android) – Million Momentsはソニー製の主に写真閲覧用のアプリだ。良いアプリだが今回取り上げた他のアプリと比べて特に役に立ということはないかもしれない。ちょっとしたスライドショーを作って、友たちと一緒に見ることができる。筆者なら写真はコンピューターやテレビで写真を見るだろうが。

Snapdish (iOS, Android) – ニッチな分野に写真を取り込んだもう1つの面白いアプリがSnapdishだ。

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備考: http://www.techinasia.com/25-asia-top-photo-apps-instagram/