翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 60 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/11 11:00:04

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

Then Titius arrived from Syria with additional ships and a large army; and all these had landed at Proconnesus.So Pompeius became alarmed and burned his own ships and armed his oarsmen, believing that he could fight to better advantage with all of his forces combined on land. Cassius of Parma, Nasidius, Saturninus, Thermus, Antistius, and the other distinguished men of his party who were still with him as friends, and Fannius, who held the highest rank of all, and Pompeius' father-in‑law, Libo, when they saw that he did not desist from war against superior forces even after Titius, to whom Antony had given entire charge, had arrived, despaired of him, and, having made terms for themselves, went over to Antony.


次にTitiusがSyriaから追加の船と大軍を率いて到着した。彼らは皆Proconnesusに上陸した。そこでPompeiusは恐れを抱き、自らの船を焼き、陸軍と合わせて全軍で当たれば自分たちの方が有利に戦えると信じて船の漕ぎ手に武器を持たせた。 ParmaのCassius、Nasidius、Saturninus、Thermus、 Antistius、その他いまだに友人として彼と一緒にいた彼の仲間や彼らの中で最も高い地位にあったFannius、Pompeiusの義父Liboらは、Antonyが全権を委ねたTitiusが到着した後でさえ、Pompeiusが自分たちを凌ぐ軍隊に対して戦いをやめようとしないのを見て、彼に匙を投げて自分たちの間で話をまとめてAntonyのところに出向いた。

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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。