翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 59 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/04 14:22:03

mydogkuro11 59 翻訳歴3年

人類を襲う「異次元体」との戦いで姉を失った少年・カズヤは、異次元体対応作戦学校「ゼネティックス」へと編入する。そこは未知の敵との戦いに備え、少年少女たちがしのぎを削る学園だった! 学園最強の女生徒、サテライザーに姉の面影を感じたカズヤは、彼女へと近づいていくが......。


Iruka Torino is an innocent girl who went up to Tokyo with an excessive adoration the city. She was enticed into a mysterious club of "hanging out in Tokyo by bicycles" and...?
Kazuya, a boy who lost his elder sister in a battle against "different dimension objects", transferred into a "Genetics ", which is countermeasure mission school against the different dimension. It was an academy where boys and girls had been competing hard to equip themselves for battles against unidentified enemies.
Kazuya tried to be closer to "Satirizer", who is the strongest female student in the academy and reminiscent of his sister, but...

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備考: ECサイトで使う商品説明の英訳です。