翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 60 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/01/31 20:39:53

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

Antonius dismissed the assembly. Two days afterward, he set out for Brundisium to take over the army. There was no further discussion about the plot, and when he left, his friends who remained behind dismissed the whole matter, and no one ever saw any of the conspirators who were alleged to have been taken.Octavian, although now exonerated from the charge, was nonetheless chagrined at the talk about him, interpreting it as evidence of a great conspiracy against him. He thought that if Antonius had happened toget the army on his side by means of briges he would not have delayed in attacking him, not because he had been wronged in any respect, but simply led on to that course as an outcome of his former hopes.



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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。