翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2009/09/11 01:04:22


I hopeit is cooler and less humid there now.I still haven't figured out what is wrong with my omputer yet, but itworks okay for a little while after rebooting it. Hopefully it willgo back to normal soon. I just wanted to write something short to yousince the last time I wrote was two weeks ago and I didn't want a niceperson like you to wait too long. I have to get to sleep now. Haveto wake up for work in 4.5 hours. =(. Take care and talk to youlater.


もう寝ないとなんだ。4時間半後には起きて仕事に行かなくっちゃ。(- -;)

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