翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 中国語(繁体字) )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2010/08/24 12:46:49


One of the cool design elements of Shi Wai Yuan is the dynamically changing mood-setting background of the site. At this point the site has 6 different backgrounds (grapes, wood, leaves, sky, steel & carbon fibre), each supposed to be somewhat relevant to the section of the site being viewed; so you’ll find the background of the site is grapes when you’re viewing the wine and spirits section of the site, and greenery when you’re browsing the health section.
This is actually pretty easy to do - we’re just applying different classes to the <body> tag of the site, so that different background graphics can be loaded via CSS.

^ This loads leaves in the background.
^ This loads clouds in the background


世外源一個相當酷的設計元素在於其根據閱讀情緒動態設定的網站背景。到目前為止,該網站已有六種不同的背景(葡萄,樹木,葉子,天空,鋼鐵,以及碳纖),每種背景都對應與網站不同的內容。比如當你瀏覽有关“酒”的部份時,網站將採用葡萄作背景;而當你轉向“健康”主題時,背景將變成綠色的植物。實現這種效果對我們來說實際上很簡單 --我們只需為不同頁面的<body>標簽指定不同的類,相應的背景图画将被CSS自動調用。


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備考: No need to translate the following words: <body>, CSS. Shi Wai Yuan is translated as 世外源. The above piece of text is discussing web page background images. Thanks!