[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] TurboVote、投票人登録分野のNetflixになるべく目算を立てる 有望なスタートアップのTurboVoteは、投票人登録システムを一新するこ...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2012/09/28 10:00:23 閲覧 2005回
残り時間: 終了

TurboVote Wants to Be the Netflix of Voter Registration

TurboVote, an up-and-coming startup, wants to become the “Netflix of voting” by revolutionizing voter registration and vote by mail via the Internet and snail mail.

The concept is simple: Users fill out voter registration or vote by mail forms on their Internet browser, then TurboVote prints an official document based on that data. TurboVote sends users a paper copy through snail mail along with an envelope pre-printed with the address of each user’s local voter election board — very much how Netflix’s original business model works.




Once a user gets the form and envelope, all they’ve got to do is sign the form, stuff it in the envelope and drop it in the mail.

But that’s not all: TurboVote also send users text message reminders when registration or voting deadlines are approaching to remind them to get their paperwork in the mail. Reminders are sent for elections at every level of government, including local, state and federal.

While several states have passed laws allowing citizens to reigster to vote online, the majority have yet to get on board with the concept.




Seth Flaxman, 27, co-founded TurboVote after getting frustrated at the process of voting by mail while he was studying at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Like many other digital entrepreneurs, Flaxman built TurboVote to solve his own problem. He believes the voting process is antiquated and ripe for digital disruption.

“When you want to do anything else, you start online — except for voting,” said Flaxman. “I think the future of voting is seamless mail-in voting. The ballot will come automatically in the mail, you’ll get reminder texts, you open your laptop and look at the ballot, do your research and mail it in.”

Seth Flaxman(27才)は、ハーバード大学ジョン・F・ケネディー政治大学院在学中に、郵送による投票のプロセスにうんざりして、TurboVoteを共同設立した。他の多くのデジタル企業と同様に、Flaxmanは自分自身の問題を解決するためにTurboVoteを開発した。同氏は、投票プロセスが時代遅れになっていて、デジタル化する時期にきていると考えている。

「何かをしたい時は、オンラインで始める ー でも、それは投票以外のこと。投票の未来はシームレスな郵送投票だと思う。投票用紙が自動的にメールで届き、忘れないためのお知らせメッセージが来る。ノートパソコンを開いて、投票用紙を見たら、リサーチをして投函する。」とFlaxmanは語る。

The company started with a focus on vote by mail, but later shifted to include voter registration as well.

“We wanted to make vote by mail really easy,” said Flaxman. “We saw that as the way to modernize the voting system and then thought ‘oh, we also have to do voter registration.’ For us it’s about everything. We want to be a single place where users can sign up and then only have to worry about who they’re going to vote for.”



TurboVote is a non-profit that is subsidized by universities, such as the University of Florida, Harvard University and University of North Carolina at Charlotte, that want to offer the platform’s service to their students. the company recently announced its twenty-fifth university partnership.

The platform’s earliest financial support came from Kickstarter, but TurboVote has since received sponsorship from the Knight Foundation, Google and the Sunlight Foundation.


TurboVoteの最初の資金援助者はKickstarterだったが、それ以降、Knight foundationやGoogleそしてSunlight Foundationからの支援を受けている。

On TurboVote’s horizon is the possibility of partnerships with local governments, to which Flaxman’s team is pitching the platform as a mechanism for getting more citizens to vote in elections with typically low participation. For Flaxman, TurboVote is very much about finding a way to boost voter participation rates, especially among young people who tend to disregard vote by mail and absentee voting.

TurboVoteの展望は地方政府との提携の可能性で、TurboVoteチームは地方政府に対し、概して投票率の低い選挙に、より多くの市民に投票してもらうためのメカニズムとして同プラットフォームを紹介している。TurboVoteは Flaxmanにとって、投票率を伸ばすための方法を見つけるものだ。特に、郵送での投票を軽視し不在投票をしがちな若者の間での投票率を上げるためだ。

“When we did our pilot in 2010 with 300 students, 29% of them said they probably wouldn’t have voted without the service,” he said. “In 2010, 66% of college students who didn’t vote attributed it to being out of town, working or forgetting. Those are process problems we can easily solve. Apathy is a problem, but I think we can and should have a frictionless democracy.”

Would you use TurboVote to help you register to vote and be reminded about elections? Share your thoughts in the comments.




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・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
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  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
