Meet the Company That’s Building Asia’s Startup Database
I was lucky to have been recently introduced to the folks at here in Tokyo [1]. The Japan-based company has some big goals, aiming to collect a database of startups in Japan and around the Asia region – something that is certainly much needed. I had a chance to speak with Sorato Ijichi, its CEO and founder; as well as Kozue Ishii, who is Creww’s public relations representative. Kozue elaborated little bit more about what they have been doing so far, as well as plans that they have for helping out local startups around the region.
最近、東京でCreww.meの人達を紹介してもらえたのはラッキーだった[1]。日本を拠点とするこの企業は、日本とアジア地域のスタートアップのデータベース― 確実に切望されるもの ―を収集することを目的にしながら、いくつかの大きな目標を持っている。
CEOであり設立者である伊地知 天(いちじそらと)氏とCrewwの広報担当の石井こずえ氏と話をする機会に恵まれた。石井氏は、これまでしてきたことを中心に、地元のスタートアップを助けるための計画も合わせ詳しく語った。
私は最近、東京でCreww.meの人々に紹介され幸いだった。[1]日本に拠点を置く会社は、確かに、 多くの新興企業のデータベースを収集することを目指し、日本やアジア地域周辺で必要とされるのは何かという、大きな目標をいくつか持っています。Crewwの広報担当者である石井こずえさん同様、私はその最高経営責任者(CEO)兼創設者伊地知Sorato氏と話す機会があった。こずえさんは、彼らが地域の周辺地元起業の援助計画を持っていることと同様に、彼らのこれまでの行動についてもう少し詳しく説明した。
What is Creww?
Creww is an online community for entrepreneurs. We define entrepreneurs as people who are passionate about challenges and who are not afraid of taking risks to these challenges. They are people who pursue their goals, look for changes, and have adventurous minds. Creww currently lists over 2,500 entrepreneurs, investors, developers, and designers as registered members.
One of our primary features is our startup database. This database works as a startups’ corporate site, in a way. It has all the information that startups need to publish to their fans such as recruitment, press archives, and activities. This database interface is called “Aims.” Aims was created to enhance engagement between a startup company and fans.
By setting goals and showing their current status, startups can express to their fans what they need to reach those goals. We want to create a community where highly motivated people can inspire each other with their innovations.
When was Creww founded? And why?
The Creww project was started in 2011 summer by Sorato Ijichi, the founder and CEO of Its website was opened on July 9th of this year as a beta version. The idea was to create a place where we could show the many innovations in our society.
What inspired you to create Creww?
Sorato Ijichi founded a web consulting company in Los Angeles when he was 21 years old during his time at California State University. Since then he established branches in Tokyo, Japan and Cebu, Philippines. In 2011 he came back to Japan for a family event and spent sometime with entrepreneurs based in Tokyo. Hearing their stories he realized that the startup environment in Japan could improve in many ways as well as entire Asian regions.
Can you tell us a little about your team?
Sorato Ijichi (founder & CEO) – Serial entrepreneur, founder of Creww, SKYAVY, and Olio. His last startup project was successfully acquired by a U.S. company in 2010.
Kazuma Ieiri (co-founder) – Serial entrepreneur, he was the founder and CEO of Paperboy & co. (which IPOd on the Tokyo stock market), president of Hyper Internets.
Kozo Hiramatsu (advisor) – President and CEO at Kozocom Inc., former CEO of Livedoor Co., Ltd., former president and CEO of AOL Japan.
Yukihiro Akimoto (advisor) – Former board member of KFC Japan LTD., former CEO of Nike Japan, former president of Guerlain
家入一真(共同創始者):複数の事業を手掛ける実業家で、Paperboy & co.(東京証券取引所で上場)の創始者、そしてHyper Internetsの社長でした。
平松庚三(顧問):Kozocom Inc.の社長および最高経営責任者で、Livedoor Co., Ltd.の前最高経営責任者、AOL Japanの前社長です。
秋元 征紘(顧問):KFC Japan LTD.の前取締役員、Nike Japanの前最高経営責任者、そしてGuerlainの前社長です。
伊地知 天 (いじち そらと)(創業者兼CEO)-連続起業家、Creww、SKYAVY、Oliの創業者。彼の先のスタートアッププロジェクトは2010年に米国の企業に成功のうちに買収。
家入 一真(いえいり かずま)(共同創業者)-連続起業家 Paperboy&co. 創業者(東京株式市場にて株式公開済み)、Hyper Internets社長
平松 庚三(ひらまつ こうぞう)(アドバイザー)-小僧comの社長兼CEO、ライブドアの前CEO、AOL ジャパンの前社長兼CEO
秋元 征紘(あきもと ゆきひろ)(アドバイザー)-日本KFCの前役員、ナイキジャパンの前CEO、ゲランの前社長
Shinya Nakajima (advisor) – Worked as buyer at Takashimaya department store for 10 years, former VP of Starbucks Coffee Japan.
Keiichi Toyoda (advisor ) – Executive director at Spice up Japan, former board member of Last Resort.,Ltd.
How many users does Creww currently have?
There are about 2500 users and 200 projects, mostly based in Japan. We are planning to expand our service around Asia starting from this month.
Why should a startup or entrepreneur join Creww? What are the benefits?
The biggest benefit of joining Creww is that startups and entrepreneurs can be connected to an innovative community. In this community startups and its members can enhance lateral communication. For example, startups can brush up their projects by getting feedback from the other members.
What is Creww’s revenue model?
There’s the ‘cloud back office’ where creww can help with business transactions for startups. There are a number of legal documents once startups establish themselves as companies. They register required information ahead of time, and they can download in an official format when they need.
There are also social surveys. People in the Creww community are inquisitive and have a high literacy of trends. If one service were to publish their project, Creww members can give them advice and feedback which can be used to improve the project. Comments from Creww members are going to be the most reliable source during a process of innovative service making.
Who are you competitors and what makes you different?
There’s Angel List, but the main difference between Creww and Angel List is its focus stages. Angel List seeks investors for start ups whereas Creww emphasizes a strong bond among startups and entrepreneurs. Creww has several features for matching people, and the ‘recommend’ feature can send you people who have similar interests. By using ‘meetup’ features people can request offline meetings with people in Creww. Another difference is its regional focus, as Angel List is provided in English only and its main target is American and European startups.
競争相手にはAngel Listが挙げられますが、CreewとAngel List間での最も大きな違いは、重点を置くステージでしょう。Angel Listではスタートアップには投資家達を求めていますが、Creewではスタートアップと実業家の間の強いつながりに重点を置いています。Creewには人々を繋ぎ合わせるいくつかの機能があり、「おすすめ」機能は自分と同じ関心を持つ人々を探し出すことができます。「出会い」機能を利用することで、Creewの人々とオフラインで会うリクエストを送ることもできます。もう1つの違いはターゲットエリアで、Angel Listでは英語のみの提供で、主な対象企業はアメリカとヨーロッパのスタートアップとなっています。
Angel Listがありますが、CrewwとAngel Listの徹底的な違いは、焦点をあてる段階です。Angel Listはスタートアップに投資家を探しますが、Crewwはスタートアップと起業家の強いきずなに焦点をおいています。Crewwには人々をマッチさせるいくつかの機能があり、『おすすめ』機能は同様の興味を持つ人々を紹介できます。『オフ会』機能を使って、人々はCrewwでオフ会をリクエストできます。もうひとつ違うところは、焦点をあてている地域です。Angel Listは英語のみで提供されていますし、主要ターゲットはアメリカとヨーロッパのスタートアップです。