[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 現在の世界情勢や経済不況、そして国内では少子高齢化、しかし日本の未来は明るい。それを知る為には発信される情報に熟慮し、さらに一歩踏込むべきである。すると常...

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ikuosogawaによる依頼 2012/05/08 09:39:33 閲覧 2133回
残り時間: 終了


今の日本とはそんな国である。世界がそれを封印しているのではない。ある一部の国内の人々により、ひた隠しにされているだけである。その中には震災のどさくさに紛て、日本国民には不利益と思える法案を提出しようとした政治家もいる。 私の職場がある地域がその方の選挙区だ。

評価 58
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/08 10:04:40に投稿されました
Despite the current state of world affairs and the recession, as well as the declining birthrate within the country, the future of Japan is bright. To realize that, you have only to consider the information and take a step forward. If you do, you'll realize that a new reality exists there.

Today, Japan is that country. The world hasn't sealed it off. For some of the people of this country, it's just lying hidden. Confused by the disaster of the earthquake, there are politicians who have tried to create laws that will put the people of Japan at a disadvantage. My workplace is just one area within their electoral district.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/05/08 10:19:40に投稿されました
Despite the world's current situation and economic recession, and the low birthrate and longevity in Japan, the future in Japan is bright.
In order to recognize that, it should consider carefully the information disseminated, and you should take a step forward further. Then, you will notice that the new truth always exists there.

This is Japan Today. That is not the world which conceals the truth. The truth is covered up only by some domestic people. In the confusion of the earthquake, some politicians have tried to submit the bill which can be regarded as disadvantageous to Japanese people. The region where my office is located is his constituency.



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