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[削除済みユーザ]による依頼 2012/03/28 13:56:33 閲覧 2582回
残り時間: 終了

Just Thinking Women Are Nearby Makes Men Dumber
If you often find yourself stuck for words in the presence of women, don't beat yourself up; we've all been there. But it turns out it's not you, it's science! Merely thinking about the presence of women makes men stupid.
A study from Radboud University in the Netherlands suggests that men start faltering and exhibit a decline in mental performance as soon as they anticipate interacting with women. Interestingly, though, women face no such problems.
To work that out, the researchers used something called a Stroop test—a psychological method to work out how well we process competing information.

でも、原因はあなたにあるのではないと科学的に分かったのです!単に女性がその場にいると考えるだけで男はダメになるのです。オランダの Radboud大学での研究によると、男性は女性と関わりを持つと分かるやいなや、口ごもったり精神的に後ろ向きな状態を表すことが分かったそうです。面白いことに、女性にはそういった問題は起きないようです。

They carried out the tests both before and after a lip-reading exercise each participant performed via webcam. The participants couldn't see anyone during the lip-reading test—but were asked to mouth words to a supposed observer of either the same or opposite sex who was watching then.
The result? Females scored the same before and after the lip-reading; men who thought they were being watched by a woman performed far worse. So, despite no direct interaction with a female, their cognitive ability dropped significantly.
They confirmed the results with another study. This time, participants were merely told they would be performing the same lip-reading exercise.


The secret was that the lip-reading test never arrived.
Regardless, male test scores plummeted at the mere anticipation of being observed by a female. Again, women displayed no such effects.
So what gives? It's hard to say for sure. The researchers think that it could be explained by the fact that men are more strongly attuned to potential mating opportunities. Or, it could be down to a more modern perceived social pressure for men to impress women during social interactions—which uses precious processing power.
Regardless of exactly why it happens, it's clear that men have difficulty thinking clearly when women are involved.

つまり何が分かったか? 確実なことを言うのは難しいのですが、研究者たちは、男性には出会いの機会を探るための何かがより強く働いているということで説明できると考えています。もしくは、男性にとって社会的な交流の場で女性に自分の良い印象を与えることが現代においてはさらに強い社会的なプレッシャーになり、大事な脳の処理能力を使っていると言うこともできるでしょう。

I don't know how you're going to manage to explain this to a girl next time you're in a crowded bar, though.





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