[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] Iさんへ 明日の成田空港行きの交通手段を 参考までにお送りいたします。 東京駅発 列車A 13:02発 → 13:57着 ※ホテルから東京駅までタ...

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[削除済みユーザ]による依頼 2022/06/22 15:55:14 閲覧 2534回
残り時間: 終了




13:02発 → 13:57着


評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/22 16:07:00に投稿されました
Dear I,

For your reference, I'm sending you a transportation to Narita airport tomorrow.

From Tokyo Station

Train A
Departure 13:02 → Arrival 13:57

-About 10 min. by taxi from the hotel to Tokyo station.
-If you take Train A, please go to "Marunouchi-guchi" at the Tokyo station by taxi.
-The platforms are No. 3 and 4 (Basement 5th floor)
It takes about 15 min. to the platforms on foot.
-All seats are reserved.
-All seat are unreserved. (Seat selection is not possible.)
-The nearest station is "Narita Airport Station".
-Check-in counter is at the Terminal 1.

評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/22 16:04:14に投稿されました
Dear I-san,
For your information, I will tell you the method of transportation to Narita Airport for tomorrow.
Departing from Tokyo station:
Train A
Depart at 13:02 → Arrive at 13:57
*10 minutes by taking a taxi from the hotel to Tokyo station
*When taking train A, please go to Marunouchi Exit at Tokyo station.
*Track Number 3 and 4 (located in the 5th-floor basement)
It takes about 15 minutes to get to the platform.
*All seats are reserved.
*All seats are non-reserved (Assigned seat is not possible).
*The nearest station is Narita Airport.
*Check-in counter is located at Terminal 1
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/22 16:01:57に投稿されました
Dear Mr. I

Here is the transportation to Narita Airport tomorrow for your reference.

Departure from Tokyo Station

Train A
Departure: 13:02 → Arrival: 13:57

*Approximately 10 minutes by taxi from the hotel to Tokyo Station.
*Please take a taxi to "Marunouchi Exit" of Tokyo Station if you take Train A.
*Boarding platform is located on platforms 3 and 4 (5th basement floor)
 It takes about 15 minutes to get to the boarding platform.
*All seats are reserved.
*All seats are non-reserved (seats cannot be reserved)
*The nearest station is "Narita Airport Station".
*Check-in counter is at Terminal 1.
評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2022/06/22 16:16:08に投稿されました
Dear Mr. I

For your information, I am sending you tomorrow's transportation schedule to Narita Airport.

Depart from Tokyo station.
Departure: 13:02 → Arrival: 13:57

It takes about 10 minutes by taxi to get to Tokyo Station from your hotel.
*To take the A-train, please get off the taxi at Tokyo Station's Marunouchi Exit.
*The boarding platform is located on platforms 3 and 4 (5th floor of the basement)
It takes about 15 minutes to reach the platform.
*All seats are reserved.
*All seats are unreserved (seats cannot be reserved)
*The nearest station is "Narita Airport Station"
*The check-in counter is located in Terminal 1.




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