[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] (検閲要求に準拠するため、storeに出す前にプラットホームは一般的にアプリケーションを再検査しなければならず、事後にアプリが削除されるだけのFacebo...

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gblgによる依頼 2011/09/09 12:49:49 閲覧 2961回
残り時間: 終了

PopCap’s Slow and Steady Investment in Asia May Be Starting to Pay Off
September 6th, 2011 No.2

When PopCap began looking for platform partners in China a year and a half ago, there weren’t many social networking sites that were open to third-party developers. Tencent had yet to launch its open platform and Sina Weibo only announced a gaming platform this summer, so Renren was the only major one.


PopCapが1年半前、中国でもプラットホームパートナーを探し始めたとき、サードパーティーの開発者に公開されている多くのソーシャルネットワーキングサイトがなかった。Tencentは公開プラットホームをまだ開始しておらず、Sina Weiboは今年の夏にゲームプラットホームを発表するだけであったので、Renrenが唯一のメジャーにすぎなかった。

“In the end, they basically offered us a fantastic deal,” Gwertzman said, adding that Renren is footing the bill for a major public advertising campaign on buses and in subway stations in the major Chinese cities. Gwertzman wouldn’t comment on the terms of the Renren deal. But the experience echoes what we’ve heard from other developers in that Chinese platforms tend to be more flexible on revenue split than American social networking sites are. Renren’s open platform usually gives 48 percent of revenues to the developer from for-purchase applications, a higher cut because building a payments infrastructure in China and dealing with censorship make operating a platform here more expensive.


(Platforms generally have to review applications before they go up in the store to comply with censorship requirements, so you can’t operate a platform like Facebook or Android where apps are only taken down after the fact.)

They launched the game six weeks ago, and quietly optimized the title before scaling up last week. Last Monday, the game had about 30,000 users on Renren and then they bumped it up to a half-million by the end of the week.

They’ll also be taking Zuma Blitz to Tencent and putting the game on a few parts of the Chinese Internet giant’s platform like QZone, which has 530 million monthly active users.



彼らはTencentにZuma Blitzもしており、5億3000万人の毎月アクティブユーザーがいるQZoneのような中国インターネット巨人のプラットホームにゲームを何本かだしている。

Dealing With The Mobile Market in China

As for mobile, PopCap has been translating its games on iOS. The Chinese-language versions are doing twice the volume of the U.S. ones in terms of installs.

They worked with Sina Weibo, which is a Twitter-like platform in China that is quickly eclipsing other social networking sites like Renren to promote the game via site takeovers and banner ads. Because many people use Weibo from their mobile phones, it produced a good conversion rate although Gwertzman didn’t provide specifics.

中国のThe Mobile Marketとの取引


中国におけるツイッターの様なプラットフォームであるSina Weiboと協力し、サイト買収やバナー広告を介してゲームを促進しているRenrenのような他のソーシャルネットワーキングサイトを急速に上回っている。多くの人は携帯電話からWeiboを使用しているので、Gwertzmanが特別な準備をしなくても、非常に良い転換率を生み出している。

Monetization is more of a challenge in China however. Even on iOS where Apple has a very fluid payments process through iTunes, PopCap is seeing five to seven pirated copies for every legitimate app it sells because of jailbroken devices.

That’s why the company will probably move to a freemium model eventually. With free-to-play games, the best titles in China can see average revenue of 1 to 2 cents per daily active user, he said.



Ultimately though, he expects Android to overtake iOS in China as it is doing in the U.S. market. “We’re excited about iOS because it attracts an affluent consumer base, but Android will have the volume play in China,” he said. “We’re seeing $100 Android handsets that are pretty powerful.”

But Android is far more fragmented than it is in the U.S. with competing variants of the platform plus several independent app stores (which we wrote about in an in-depth piece over the weekend). So PopCap is bypassing this by going for pre-install deals with carriers and device makers for distribution.



Other Opportunities Outside Gaming

Like Rovio’s Angry Birds, PopCap’s brands have shown a lot of promise in merchandising in China. (Throughout the past few weeks, I’ve seen Plants Vs. Zombies shirts and trading card decks around on kids and adults alike in the bigger cities.)

The company has more inbound interest than it can handle in terms of licensing its brand. It did a deal with China’s largest casual wear chain, Meters/bonwe, that saw sales of 10 T-shirts a minute in Shanghai on the first day.


RovioのAngry Birdsの様に、PopCapのブランドは、中国での販売方法において多くの期待を示した。(ここ数週を通じて、私は植物対ゾンビのシャツと、より大きい都市に似た、子供と大人の周辺でトレーディングカードデッキを見ている。)


Of course, like with pirated apps, PopCap has to deal with copycat merchandise. There are 75,000 knockoff items related to PopCap brands on Taobao, which is like the eBay of China, Gwertzman said.

The best strategy to deal with that is doing higher-quality work than what the copycats produce.

“What we’ve come to realize is that this is an incredibly complex market,” Gwertzman said. “It’s often very difficult for Western companies and they have to be prepared for the long haul.”







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