[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 当スタートアップは電子メール、ミーティング、管理者を廃止。それでも成功している。 当社は創業8年の中南米全域で事業を行っている会社で、従業員は現在3...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は mars16 さん a_ayumi さん snowy_owl さん mathy さんの 4人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 20件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 5583文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 24時間 39分 です。

startupdatingによる依頼 2015/08/04 16:52:27 閲覧 4567回
残り時間: 終了

Our startup got rid of email, meetings, and managers — and thrived

Our company has just turned eight years old, has a presence in all of Latin America, and currently has 36 members on its team. Our biggest obsession: productivity.

Since 2007 we have analyzed in detail each one of the tasks we carry out with the goal of scaling our earnings exponentially while keeping our number of work hours the same.

As a result, six years ago we eliminated email, three years ago we eliminated meetings, and now we work without project managers and have a four-day work week. Here’s why we implemented these three changes and how we did it:





1. Email

The first thing that came to our attention, years ago, was the negative impact that the use of emails was having on our company. What keeps surprising me, even today, is how the rest of the world still does not recognize that email, which is now over 20 years old, is the least productive tool we can use. We decided to eliminate it completely for all internal communication (and little by little for external communication). The two main disadvantages of email:

1. 電子メール


1. Email encapsulates information. This means that when we exchange comments, suggestions, and inquiries, the rest of the company remains blocked off from knowing about our progress. It is communication behind closed doors. Meanwhile, the ideal is that all the documents are directly accessible at all times to whoever may need them — as are details on the state and degree of development of the project.

1. 電子メールは情報を閉じ込めてしまう。つまり、(特定の人と)コメント、提案、質問をやり取りするときには、社内の他の人に対しては進捗状況について知る機会をブロック(遮断)してしまうことになる。他方、理想的な状況は、いつでも、そして情報を必要としている誰に対しても文書が直接アクセスされる状態である。これは社内プロジェクトの進捗状況・現状の詳細情報についても同様である。

2. Email ends up being a list of personalized tasks for each team member. It is the place where we go every day to see what our next task is. And this develops into an unorganized way to progress, without clear priorities. It certainly doesn’t help us to be correctly synchronized with the rest of our workmates.

How did we solve this?

We developed our own tool for work, specifically designed for our needs but very similar to what Trello currently offers. It is a control panel that we all have access to, where we can see all of the company’s projects as well as know in real time the degree of development on each.

2. 電子メールは結局、各チームメンバー個人の仕事の羅列になってしまう。私たちは次の仕事が何かを毎日みていかなくてはならない。そこでは明確な優先事項がなく、組織化されない状態に向かって進むことになる。間違いなく、他の同僚たちと正確に同期することにならない。



If someone needs to be added to an ongoing project, it is not necessary to resend hundreds of emails (in a totally unorganized way) for them to be able to integrate themselves; they can simply go into the history of the project and see what has been done since the beginning, how it was carried out, and what remains to be done — then they can begin working immediately.

Additionally, today, we’ve given our clients access to our control panel as well, so they can see how we are advancing, without receiving external emails such as: “Any news on the project?”, “How much longer until the next delivery?”, etc.



2. Meetings

The second thing we decided to completely eliminate was meetings. As a technological company, each team member is a programmer, and as such, we need an average of four continuous hours in the morning and four continuous hours in the afternoon in order to write code with the highest amount of productivity.

The “interruption” that is represented by attending a meeting always has a higher cost for a programmer than that of a manager. This is due to the fact that the manager’s agenda is basically composed of one meeting after the other. But for the programmer, just one meeting per day can have a 50 percent impact on their daily production.

2. 会議



Typically, meetings are used to find out how the work is advancing and to discuss any problems with the project manager and workmates. In order to rid ourselves of meetings, we use the same control panel that we implemented for eliminating emails. There, everyone can know the progress and state of the project and what each of the team members is working on at any given moment, without the need for interrupting their productivity.


If a specific problem arises that needs discussion, we use Campfire, which is a chat designed for group communication. But then how does this differ from a meeting? The advantage is that the communication is asynchronous. So it’s not necessary to stop what we are doing at that moment and lose our concentration; we can finish our four hours of continuous work, then, when we have the time and concentration, we can answer any pending inquiry.


In this new work method, our communication is not only asynchronous but is also exclusively text-based. This text can later be read by a new member who wants to collaborate on the project (or those who were on vacation, sick, or out of the office) without taking precious time from those who are already working on it.

3. Managers

Lastly, we determined over a year ago that we wanted to work without managers. Now we do not need someone to control our progress, because everything is online and visible to all of our workmates — which project we are working on, how we are handling it technically, how long it is taking us, what resources we are using, and what results we have achieved.


3. 管理者


It is very easy for a programmer to know if their colleague is doing their work on time and in correct form. But the problem we had before was that, as Google cofounder and CEO Larry Page said: “Engineers shouldn’t have to be supervised by managers with limited tech knowledge.”

In order for this work method to work, we have two guidelines:

1. We only hire proactive engineers; that is, people who do not need to be controlled all the time to do their job. Basically we choose other entrepreneurs like ourselves.

2. When they join our company, we propose that they have a “vesting” program so that in the future they can be owners of the company.

プログラマーにとって、同僚が時間通りに、正しいやり方で仕事をしているかどうかを知るのは難しくない。だが当社に以前あった問題は、Google創業者兼CEOのLarry Page氏が語っているように、「エンジニアは、テックの知識が限られている管理者に監督されるべきではありません。」


1. 当社が採用するのは先見の明があるエンジニアのみ。つまり、自分の仕事を四六時中コントロールされる必要のない人に限る。基本的に、自分たちと同じような起業家を選んでいる。

2. 入社後、採用者には、当社のオーナーとなれるような「受益権」プログラムがあることを提示している。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。





  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
