Taylor's T 5 guitar lives up to its claims! I own a Fender Telcaster B bender and a Gibson ES 335... and I am able to cover a variety of guitar tones. However, Taylor's T 5 does introduce new guitar sounds, due to its inovative active pick-up system. Visit their website and listen for yourself. I own a Koa T5 love the grain of the wood. I needed to find a guitar where I could play acoustic and electric tones off the same guitar. The T5 thinline does that and more. The acoustic position #1, sound like a concert size acoustic, mix in some bass and it sounds fuller. This guitar has the ability to shred as well... I play mine thru a Vox Tonelab SE, and it represents all of the amp/cabs offerred.
でも、Tayler's T5は斬新なピックアップを機能を稼働することで新しいギターサウンドを奏でる。彼らのウェブサイトに行って自分で聞いてみて。
私は木造のKoa T5 loveを持ってる。私にはアコースティックとエレキの音を同時に奏でることができるものが必要だった。T5 thinlineはそれが可能だしむしろそれ以上だ。 コンサート規模のアコースティックのアコースティック#1は、バスの低音を折りまぜて豊かな音を奏でる。このギターはshredの要素も同時に持ち合わせている。
私はVox Tonelab SEを使って演奏している。amp/cabsなど必要なものはすべてそれ一つで賄える。
Taylor offers excellent customer support and their website is very informative. Pick-ups positions 2 thru 5 are good: the middle humbucker can sound like a tele, but add bass and you will get the Gibson humbucker sound. It won't replace your existing guitar, but I can't imagine not owning one. I lead worship at my church and needed a guitar that would allow me to cover a wide variety of music: blues, rock, country and R & B.. this guitar does it all and more!
I am loving this guitar!!!... changed to acoustic strings.... Tight and well finished...so many sound combinations straight from the pickups... Sharp well made good looking case...Swings from rich acoustic to tasty electric....easy to play..Comfortable neck
ピックアップの位置は5から2なので良い。真ん中のハムバッカーは電気っぽい音だが、バスを追加するとGibson ハムバッカーの音にすることができる。