Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Be sure to include the user ID and email address of the account that is being appealed on the submitted documents. If the fax doesn't contain this information, we won't be able to process it.
Please submit the following documents:

One identity proof document
* Driver License (copy of both front and back)
* Passport
* Military ID
* National/Federal ID card

One address proof document
* Bank statements, including loan/mortgage statements
* Credit card statements
* Utility bills (phone, power, water, etc.)
* Insurance bills and statements

Your information will be treated with care. Please remember we are only asking for this information in order to keep our site safe for all buyers and sellers



* 運転免許証(表と裏のコピー)
* パスポート
* 軍人身分証明書
* 国民/連邦IDカード

* ローン/抵当明細を含む銀行取引明細書
* クレジットカード取引明細書
* 公共料金領収証(電話、電気、水道など)
* 保険証券と明細書


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

* If you are sending a bank statement please black out the bank account number.
* If you are sending a credit card statement please black out all but the first and last four digits of the card.

Where to Fax:
Attn: PA Appeals
US number: 1-877-349-1798
International number: 001-877-349-1798

In order to avoid delays:
* Be sure to include the user ID and email address of the suspended account on all documents.
* Do not Photoshop your user ID onto any documents.
* Be sure your submitted documents are current, valid, and legible.

Once you've faxed your information we should be able to get back to you within a maximum of 7-10 days, we appreciate your patience while we get this done.


* 銀行の取引明細書を提出される場合は、口座番号を塗りつぶしてください。
* クレジットカード取引明細書を提出される場合は、カードの最初と最後の4桁以外を全て塗りつぶしてください。

宛先:PA Appeals

* 保留中のアカウントのユーザーIDとeメールアドレスを全ての書類に記載してください。
* どの書類も、あなたのユーザーIDをフォトショップ加工しないでください。
* 提出する書類が最新情報のもので有効且つ読取り可能であることを確認してください。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

While some early rumors had suggested that Apple might be looking to update the iPad and iPad mini as soon as March, sources with rather reliable track records are now pointing to a later release in the September-October timeframe, and Apple's just-launched 128 GB iPad models support that notion.

The fifth-generation iPad is said to adopt nearly identical styling to the iPad mini, with photos showing a similarly anodized rear shell and reports claiming that it will include the same chamfered edges as on its smaller sibling. The comparison photo above shows the smaller size of the iPad 5 and how it has taken on the design cues of the iPad mini.


初期の噂ではアップルは早ければ3月にもアップルがiPadとiPad miniの更新を行うだろうという噂もあったが、より信頼性のある情報源によれば9月から10月くらいになるだろうと見られ、アップルがつい最近発売した128GB iPadモデルはその概念をサポートしたものとなっている。

第5世代iPadは、陽極酸化仕上げの背面シェルの写真からわかるように、また小型姉妹機種と同様に角を丸めた形になるとレポートで述べられているように、iPad miniとほぼ同じスタイリングを採用するだろうと言われている。上の比較写真は小型のiPad 5を示しており、iPad miniのデザインのキーポイントに基づいたものであることがわかる。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Brightwire translates a report from the Chinese media which claims that Apple will be launching both an iPhone 5S and a 5" iPhone 6 this year:

- A source told Chinese mobile phone information site Laoyaoba.com that he has seen the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 at Apple's suppliers. Both models may be released in 2013, according to the website's microblog on Thursday evening.
- The source noted that the iPhone 5S resembles the iPhone 5, and the five-inch iPhone 6 is lighter and thinner.

This rumor adds to a chorus of reports that Apple is seriously considering a larger form-factor iPhone in the near future.


BrightwireはアップルがiPhone 5Sと5インチのiPhone6を今年発売開始するだろうと見る中国メディアからのレポートを翻訳でお届けする。

- ある情報源から中国モバイルフォン情報サイトのLaoyaoba.comに入った情報によれば、アップルのサプライヤーのところでiPhone 5SとiPhone 6をその目で見たとのことだ。火曜日の夜の胴ウェブサイトのマイクロブログによれば、2013年にリリースされるかもしれないとのことだ。
- この情報源では、iPhone 5SはiPhone 5に似ており、5インチのiPhone 6はより軽くて薄いそうだ。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

While early reports had suggested that such a model wouldn't see the light of day in 2013, later reports continue to point to a 4.8"-5.0" device coming soon from Apple.

All these rumors have generated a significant amount of speculation on how such a larger model might make sense in Apple's iPhone lineup, especially when comparing it to Samsung's current offerings.

Due to Apple's use of Chinese manufacturers and the need to prototype their designs, it's possible that all of these sightings could be true, yet Apple may still not launch such a device in 2013. If Apple does begin ramping up production for 2013, we expect we'll see parts of this larger device to also begin to leak out of China.





gloria English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

I see. So take your time on investigation.
And the expense of shipping to Japan will be just like what I told you. If we ship 100 boxes to Japan, it'll be around $100, and I'll pay about 60% of shipping expense for you.
If we ship more quantity, it will not increase a lot. We will see.
If you get large quantity in the future, maybe I can share more shipping fee with you. 70% probably.
I'll wait for you response about your investigation on those products.
Please contact as soon as you got the result.
Just want to verify with you, you sent pictures of 3 boxes only, right?
Another box, please give me few days to look for it.Feel free to write to me at anytime.
Just wait for my respond please.

