Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
20 hours / week
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Its being a pleasure to meet you on 9th February at the IHCR , I would like to thank you from the behalf of our company for your cooperation ,

I would be glad if you can send us the performer invoice which we requested , and also we would like to have the picture of the two items which Mr Suzuki want you to create,

I hope we can do business with a good corporation and trust ,
Thank you in advance ,

Thank you very much for your visit at our stall with Mr. Suzuki and your email to us.

I have given the two new samples in production and as soon as we receives the new samples we will send you the proforma Invoice.

Thank you again and best regards,



ご依頼したパフォーマーインボイス(訳注参照)をお送りいただけると助かります。またMr. Suzukigaあなたに制作してほしい2つの商品の写真もいただけるとありがたいです。
(訳注:performer invoiceと原文にありますが、原文の下から2行目にあるように、proforma invoice=見積もりインボイスの間違いと思われます)


当社ストールにMr. Suzukiと共にご訪問いただき、またeメールもいただきましてありがとうございます。




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Today was the first session and Mr Cory and the courier company public relationship official was present at court. After a few questions with the accused ( Mr Cory Cook) . My assistant and i reviewed the case properly after the first session. We believe we need to hire the services of professional private detective to investigate the case properly.

We believe your order was for original Camcorders and the price is very low for such offer. We would like to make sure the goods really exist and it was the original camcorder which was package for you. The accused's attorney was very good with his defense at court today and we need more proof to hold against Mr Cory.


今日は最初の裁判で、Mr. Coryと運送会社の広報責任者が出廷しました。被告(Mr. Cory)にいくつかの質問がされました。その後私とアシスタントは初回裁判を適切に検討しました。本件を適切に調査するにはプロの私立探偵のサービスを利用する必要があると考えます。

あなたの注文はオリジナルのカムコーダーについてのものであって、価格はそのオファーに対しては非常に安かったものだと思います。商品が本当に存在するのか、そして実際にあなたに送られたカムコーダーだったのか確認したいと思います。被告の弁護士は今日の裁判で非常に良く弁護していました。我々はMr. Coryに対してもっと証拠を集める必要があります。

gloria English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Note: Under circumstances where Amazon takes responsibility for paying you the Replacement Value of a Unit as set forth in the FBA Service Terms, we will reimburse you based on our determination of the Unit’s value less applicable FBA and Selling on Amazon fees. We will consider several factors in determining a Unit’s value, including your sales history and the price you and other sellers list the product for on Amazon.com.

I have now closed this shipment; you can view it here:

I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and regret the delay.

Also Regarding Shipment: FBAVLS0FB I will get back to you with an update as soon as I hear back from our Warehouse Team.




発送について:FBAVLS0FB 当社のウェアハウスチームから連絡があり次第、私から最新情報をお知らせします。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

for small corporations or partnerships engaged primarily in art-related activities in which one or more of the principals is a registered member or for those seeking to retain the services or works of a registered member.
Commercial activities in the form of paid advertising on the Service are subject to the terms and conditions relating to the purchase of such advertising. No other commercial activities are permitted on or through the Service without deviantART's written approval.
Any interactions with members of the Service with respect to commercial activities including payment for and delivery of goods and/or services and any terms related to the commercial activities including conditions,


(訳注:依頼#3の最後の文"Commercial activities with respect to the arts are permitted for registered members acting as individuals, "が途中で切れているので、そこから訳しました)
(訳注:"Any interactions with...."で始まる最後の一文は途中で切れて次の依頼につながっており、切り離して訳せないので次の依頼に記入しました)