Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
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Ayotime – a service which can help users to ‘trade’ their Free time. The site is not fully finished yet. According to its founder, Guan Feng, every user can post his/her Free time slot and set a price for it. If you want to send someone to buy a gift for your girlfriend who is in another city, you can just try Ayotime to find someone who live in that city and how much he charges for his time. Guan said the mobile app is also under development.

You may read more details about Papaya and Guohead in our previous interviews and coverage. Both companies also joined the panel discussion about the business value of SDK, together with UMeng and Mobcent.


Ayotime:ユーザー間の空き時間「取引」支援サービス。サイトはまだ完成していない。創設者のGuan Feng氏によると、ユーザーは自分の空き時間スロットを投稿し、それに対する価格を設定する。もしあなたが、別の町に住んでいるガールフレンドへのプレゼントを代わりに誰かに送ってほしいと思ったら、Ayotimeを使ってその町に住む誰かを探し、その人がその人の時間にいくらチャージするか、試してみよう。Guan氏は、モバイルアプリはまだ開発段階だと言っている。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

China’s newest Groupon clone has some heavy-hitting potential in this sector – it’s a formal joint-venture between Japan’s number one e-commerce site and China’s largest search engine. Back in January of last year, TechCrunch reported that the duo had invested US$50 million into the Chinese B2C site, with ownership split 51/49 between Rakuten (JASDAQ: 4755) and Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU).

This new move certainly represents some threat to Taobao’s deals site, Tencent’s QQTuan, Lashou, and Meituan, which have slowly emerged as marginal market leaders in this very fragmented market in China (see the graph on the left).




gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The body is the main part of the speech where important ideas are developed.
The conclusion is the final section of the speech which summarizes, removates, and indicates that the presentation is finished.
The following are the steps involved in preparing an oral presentation:
●Selecting and Narrowing a Topic
Some subjects are so broad and complex that you cannnot speak about the whole topic selection. The amount of time allowed for the speech is important in your topic selection. In a five-minute presentation, for example, you could not effectively tell much about the history of a country. This is too broad a topic, but you could talk about one particular event in the country's history.
When you narrow your








gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

subject, divide it into parts and use one of those parts as the area to be coveredby your speech. For example, the general topic "Human Rights,"could be narrowed to "Freedom of speech in Country X"
●Determining a purpose
Most presentations have one of three general purposes: to entertain, to inform,and to persuade.
You need to consider the general purpose of your speech. Ask yourself these questions:
*why am I speaking?
*what do I hope to accomplish?
*How do I want the audience to react?
If the general purpose for the narrowed topic, "Freedom of speech in Coutry X,"is to inform, your specific purpose might be "To get the audience to understand cleary the abuse of human right in Country X."










gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

The value of determining the general and specific purposes of your speech is that the choices of support for your topic are immediately narrowed.
●Understanding your Audience
To accomplish the purpose of your speech, you must consider the situation and circumstances relating to it. To do this, you have to understand your audience so you can adjust your materials and yourwords to the people with whom you wish to communicate. You will find it helpful to know the following information about your listeners.First, you need to know their social and economic position. Second, the education level of your audience must be considered. In order for communication to take place, the listeners must understand what you are





gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

saying. Third, the way the audience thinks and feels toward you is also very important.
●Deciding on the Main Idea
In order for your presentation and ideas to have a clear direction, you need to state your own idea. This is done is the introduction. The following is an example of a main idea:"Freedom of speech in Country X is non-existent. Citizens cannot speak their opinions without fear of reprisal; the news media are government controlled; and foreign broadcasts are severely restricted." The audience knows exactly what you will cover: the problem of the lack of freedom of speech in Country X. They also know thatyour presentation will include examples: ordinary citizens are afraid to speak their minds;





gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

speaking from manuscript consists of writing out the entire speech and reading.
Government officials who must choose each word carefully so that they will not be misunderstood speak from manuscripts.
Radio and television speeches are almost always read because the speech must fit into an exact time or period.
Although this method allows you to choose your words carefully, and you feel more confident with the entire speech in front of you, during this course you will be discouraged from using this method of presentation because the speech can become dull and you can not look at your audience.
One of the ways an effective speaker creates and maintains good rapport with his/her listeners is through eye contact.





