Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
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20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

This form shall be considered a part of each order that we shall place.
61 Moreland Rd. • Simi Valley, CA 93065 • Tel: 818-255-0095 • Fax: 818-255-0091 • sales@eedistribution.com • Page 2 of 2 • Revision 9/1/11
Irrevocable Authorization To Process Payment From Credit/Debit Card
I, _________________________________ (Authorized Buyer), irrevocably authorize EE Distribution, a division of Entertainment Earth, Inc.
(Merchant # 160014002572), to process payments, shipping charges, and any processing fees on the following credit/debit cards for charges
incurred by _________________________________ (Your Company Name) using multiple transactions if necessary.


61 Moreland Rd. • Simi Valley, CA 93065 • Tel: 818-255-0095 • Fax: 818-255-0091 • sales@eedistribution.com ・
全2ページ中第2ページ ・ 改定9/1/11

gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We are sorry to learn that you wish to return your order to The Bradford Group.

In order to make your experience as easy as possible, please follow this link for your return label and return instruction card. Please make sure to complete the Return Instruction Card completely, making sure that your name and address are written clearly. Detailed instructions on how to return your order are listed below.

1. Complete and enclose the Return Instruction Card inside of your package.

Please use the pre-paid postage return card included the original shipment or the replacement shipment to return the broken one.

Please let us know if we may be of further assistance.


The Bradford Group へ返品をご希望と聞き、残念に思います。


1. 荷物に入っている返品指示カードに漏れなく記入して同封してください。



gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

2. Fold the Return Address Label on the dotted lines and affix to the outside of your package. NOTE: You need to remove any other tracking labels or addresses that may appear on the outside of your box. When taping up your box, please take care in not covering the return address or postal codes on the Return Label.

3. Drop your return anywhere in the U.S. Mail--in your mailbox, at work or at a Post Office.

If you wish to track your return package progress, please follow this link.

Please allow up to 30 days from the date of return for the return to be processed in our warehouse.Please allow an additional 1-2 weeks for a refund check or credit to your credit card to be processed, if a refund is due.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

For objects sold under the margin scheme a buyers premium of 25 % on the first € 100,000 and 22 % on all monies in excess thereof including VAT will be added on the bid award. Lots which are listed in the appendix to be sold with VAT are calculated in line with standard taxation, i.e. statutory turnover tax is levied on the bid price plus 21 % premium on the first € 100,000 and 18 % on all monies in excess thereof. VAT currently amounts to 19 % (Objet d’arts, furniture, jewellery, offsets, photographs, etc.) i.e. 7 % (paintings, drawings, prints, etc.). Dealers who are entitled to prior-tax deduction generally have the option of regular taxation. We kindly request these dealers to inform us before invoicing.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Russian site AppleDigger.ru has created a mockup of what such an iPhone could look like [Google Translate]. One significant part that the video gets incorrect is that the original rumor claimed the larger phone will come with an 8-megapixel camera, whilst the video says it will have a 12-megapixel camera. Instead, an update to the iPhone is said to come before the holiday season this year, upgrading the lens to 12-megapixels.

Considering the sketchiness of the "iPhone Math" rumor and the lack of any specific claims about how Apple would handle the larger display in iOS, the mockup video should primarily be viewed as a concept giving a general idea of what such a device might look like.


ロシアのサイトのAppleDigger.ruは、[Google Translate]のようにそのiPhoneどんな感じかを示す試作ビデオを作った。このビデオで誤解されている部分の一つに、元の噂ではこの大型携帯電話には8メガピクセルカメラが付くだろうとしているのに対し、このビデオでは12メガピクセルのカメラだと言っていることなどがある。一方、レンズを12メガピクセルにアップグレードしたiPhoneのアップデートが今年の休暇前に登場するだろうと言われている。

「iPhone Math」の噂に確証がないことやアップルがiOSでどのように大きなディスプレイを運用するのかについてのはっきりした主張に欠けていることを考えると、試作ビデオは主にこのような新機種がどのようにみられるかの大まかなアイデアを与えるコンセプトとして見ておいた方が良いだろう。