Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

In order to respond to the credit card issuer on your behalf, we need you
to provide us with proof of delivery, which we will provide to the credit card issuer.

The easiest and quickest way to respond to this chargeback is to use online Chargeback forms.
By doing so, you will help resolve this issue faster for both you and your buyer.

Please do not reply to this e-mail if you use the online Chargeback forms.

Here are instructions on how to represent your case:

* Go to your Seller Account by typing the following web address
into your browser's address bar: www.amazon.com/sc-chargebacks

* Sign in when prompted.

* Click "Represent your case" for action-required Chargebacks and follow the instructions.






* 以下のウェブアドレスを入力してお客様のセラーアカウントへ行きます:www.amazon.com/sc-chargebacks

* サインインの指示が表示されたら指示に従ってサインインします。

* 対応が必要なチャージバックのための「お客様のケースを説明する(Represent your case)」をクリックして、指示に従ってください。

gloria English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

We price our products on eBay, based on the discounts we receive from the manufacturers. Some sellers receive greater discounts on account of the volume of business they provide the manufacturers with. Also, the discounts keep changing based on the time of the year/season.

The best we can offer you is: $69.99/unit.
Kindly let us know if you would like to proceed and we will tell you how.

When you make a purchase from us, you can rest assured you will receive products and services of the highest quality.

Please note, we work between Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm EST.

Wishing you a pleasant day ahead.







gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We’re writing to let you know that as of the most recent monthly evaluation, your account didn’t meet one or more of the requirements for Top Rated status.

We know that the benefits of being Top Rated are important and we want to help you regain your status as soon as possible. Please take a moment now to check your seller dashboard. You’ll find out which areas need attention and the steps you can take right away to get your account back on the Top Rated track.

We know how hard you work to deliver great service to your customers. You’re a valued member of the eBay community and we look forward to welcoming you back to the ranks of Top Rated Sellers very soon.





gloria English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I have now paid for a professional set up and it still sound's terrible! They said that is the best they could get it because of the hump in the neck. This is clearly unacceptable and something is going to have to be done about this. I paid entirely too much money for this guitar to have it buzzing like this! Please contact me as soon as possible in regards to resolving this issue.

May I humbly suggest your beautiful guitar is a 1990 version. If it were a 1980 it would be an Artist not Artstar, if memory serves the 200 series didn't start till 1982. Also the way Ibanez serial number patterns are different in the 80's. It;s still a very pretty guitar.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

You are mistaken. Delivery was never attempted. I have to say this again - delivery was never attempted.

When I look up the tracking number you provided on parcelforce.com it says that delivery has been made to an address in Slough. They never attempted to deliver to my address in Oxford. They view the order as complete and have no intention of posting it to me. My address is 99 Reliance Way, Oxford, OX42FW.

Please arrange for immediate redelivery to that address or cancel the order and I will make a complaint to Amazon for the incredibly slow service

IGI 6758
There is a 20.05 pound custom charge on this item so are you going to cover this



parcelforce.com上であなたから教えられた追跡番号を見ましたが。その発送はSloughの住所へ宛てたものでした。それはOxfordの私の住所へ送られたものではありません。彼らはそれを見て完了していると思い、私におくろうという意思がありません。私の住所は99 Reliance Way, Oxford, OX42FWです。


IGI 6758