Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I didn’t authorize any repair. What you’ve heard from Paypal??? If you are disputing the merchandise, then you don’t do anything to it. Once you start modifying it, altering, etc, you are not giving us a chance to verify if your claim is correct, therefore denying any kind of claim to be processed.

I need the invoice on the company letterhead who is performing such a repair, all costs, parts, etc.. As you indicated repair started, therefore you MUST have something in writing stating the problem, parts involved, etc.

I need this by tomorrow. Otherwise, I will report this to ebay.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear Cosmo,
Again, Thank you for valuing my artworks.

Please excuse me for not replying this email for such a long period. May I please ask for your kind forgiveness?

Honestly, I'm an high school student who is having high school certificate this year.
And in fact, I am having my trial exams in only three weeks time.
These are all extremely significant and important for me as the result account for a large percentage for my final scores.

Also, I have a stand in the up coming anime show. Adding to this, I have been making a music video for my friend who is an brilliant vocaloid producer. Therefore, I have been really busy flying around my works and my interests recently.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Always attach Bear and Soundbox using the straps provided. Do not add additional strings or straps,

Older Babies: As Baby gets older and more active, continue to locate the Soundbox so that it always remains

The safety of your baby is very important to everyone at Manufacturer. We have done our
best to provide you with a safe, effective product to make both your and your baby‘s life morr healthy and rested. You must do your pan by regularly inspecting all parts of our product for
defects, deterioration, or potentially harmful situations. If you notice any defect in the produci please discontinue use immediately and contact Manufacturer.

Keep this instruction manuai for future reference.

Where to position:





