Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Español Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

ONE-DAY-SALE. This is a Bandai Mazda 3 Wheel Delivery Pick-Up toy. Made in Japan. 1950's vintage. Tin, with friction drive. Very nice example of the largest of three sizes Bandai made of this three-wheeler. It is 8.75 inches long. This ones has the very hard to find bed cover made up of a metal frame and sewn fabric tarp-type cover. The original hang tag in Japanese is still on the toy. This is a beautiful Japanese tin toy. It is not a "mint" example. I do not think it was actually played with because of the bed cover and hang-tag being there. Most likely owned by an adult traveler to Japan and brought back as a souvenir.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Somewhere along the way it fell from favor and ended up in storage or such and forgotten. It shows some wear here and there. The rare bed cover fabric is worn in spots and one of the little grommets has come torn loose but still attached. The plastic windshield is gone. I know some collectors can fashion a new windshield. All the tin tabs for the windshield are there. Some minor scrapes and scuffs. Friction motors works nice. Hubcaps are there and very straight and clean. Bottom looks nice and clean. Tread on the rubber tires looks unused. Bright trim does show its age. Paint is holding up very well with nice shine. Still a great looking Bandai tin toy that displays very well.



gloria Español → Japanese
Original Text

Hable con la hija del señor Fujii que conozco pero ella dice que no sabe nada del proyecto del Mirador. Su nombre es Takahiko Fujii? Por favor confírmame esta información.
Hoy día converse con el Vice Ministro del Ministerio de Cultura sobre el proyecto. Me ha ofrecido toda su ayuda para conseguir las autorizaciones para la construcción y para aprobar los planos del diseño. Por eso necesito conversar con el señor Fujii para saber si ya hizo esos tramites. Le he preguntado a Armando Ouchida si conoce sobre los tramites pero me ha dicho que el solo se ocupo del diseño pero que no conoce si se han hecho los tramites con el Ministerio de Cultura. Yo te apoyare en estos tramites



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I used to buy from Japan Yahoo from 2003 to 2006 and check Japan yahoo auctions 2 times a week thru a friend that bids for me. But he is retired and no longer buying items so I stopped too. I will email you items I want and give you my maximum bid price. There are Japanese companies/individuals like that and charge 10% but I think our US$ 30 per item is fair for this Takara doll so no problem.

If there are other cheaper items then I will ask you to lower to $ 10 or $ 20 per item (otherwise add $ 30 per item makes it too expensive and NOT worth buying). The items I like are mainly light but more expensive---menko cards of OH SADAHARU (maybe 1,000 yen to 100,000 yen). Sometimes maybe I'll buy used cameras too




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

If item is very big/heavy then I will pay you more than $ 30 per item for your trouble!

Anyways, don't worry about me paying, if there are items I want, I will email you and pay you immediately if you win for me on HIGH VALUE ITEMS so that you can pay the seller immediately. I am the Director of the company (Sellen Int'l Ltd) and we're the distributor of Mamiya (Japanese company) and Sekonic light meter (Japanese company) for China an Hong Kong......Yannik

p.s. What is the name that you use (Ho is last name, Cuong is first name)? You are Japanese/Vietnamese (from the full name I see)? I am Taiwanese.

OK, I'll paypal you next time when 3 items are bought.



支払いについてはご心配なさらないでください、私がほしい商品があるときはeメールを送り、高価値商品について私のために落札していただいたらすぐにお支払いしますので、あなたもセラーに対してすぐに支払いができるでしょう。私は会社の取締役で(Sellen Int'l Ltd)、マミヤ(日本の会社)とセコニックライトメーター(日本の会社)の中国と香港の販売代理店もあります...Yannikより



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I also need for you to leave me a positive feed back as soon as you have received Victoria and have found everything to your satisfaction.You must do this before I give you a feed back because the importance of this high value Reborn Doll and the feed back is important for all the buyers and Sellers.The reason I tell you this is because, I have bought items from Buyers and after I leave them a feedback,I have a hard time getting them to leave me a feed back and that is bad for business.Understand?So,please write back to me with a reply to this message,and the other message I have send you.I need to always be in touch with you until you have received Victoria and have examined her.

