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zhizi Translations

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Over 14 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, all messaging apps have a set of features that mark them as messaging apps, so we’ll just note them in a quick list and move on:

・Instant messaging with ‘sending’ and ‘received’ notifications
・Group chat
・Sending a photo or video (WeChat and Zalo are the only ones that offer Instagram-like photo filters)
・Changing your chat area’s wallpaper
・Leaving an audio note or message
・Sharing contact info
・Sharing your location
・Live video or voice calling
・A microblogging feature like Path.

Now, I’ll go through the ten most prominent chat apps in Asia, and show you what each one has that makes them stand out from the others.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

KakaoTalk from South Korea.

Released: March 2010
Users: 75 million

Kakaotalk allows users to create and schedule an event with friends in the chat window. A feature that surprisingly no one else has. KakaoTalk is open source, thus allowing users to create their own themes. It also allows users to download a separate game app and play with Kakaotalk friends. KakaoTalk has also added localized stickers for Lunar New Year, and even pushed K-pop star stickers into the spotlight. It also has animated stickers and even ones with sound. And the most cool feature of all? The app allows users to buy vouchers for friends that can be redeemed at cooperating merchants.


韓国発「Kakao Talk」


Kakao Talkでは、チャットウィンドウで友達とイベントを作成してスケジュールを組むことができる。驚くことに、この機能を提供しているのはKakao Talkだけだ。同アプリはオープンソースなので、ユーザーが独自のテーマを作ることができる。さらに、単独のゲームをダウンロードしてKakao Talkの友達と一緒にプレイすることもできる。また、ローカライズのサービスで旧正月向けのスタンプも加え、K-POPスターのスタンプにも注目を浴びせた。1番クールな機能は、ユーザーが友達に、提携販売店で特典がもらえるクーポン券を購入できることだ。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Line from the Japanese team under South Korean company, NHN.

Released: June 2011
Users: 100 million

Line allows users to send cards, drawings, pictures, and play games. Games have been a huge factor in drawing users to the chat platform. Unfortunately, these features can only be accessed after users download separate apps. It makes much more sense to me to get them natively in the app. But this hasn’t stopped the chat app from accumulating a massive base of users. The design is really nice and it sells $2 sticker packs. Line also pushes celebrities’, companies’, and even lotteries’ info to users’ chat screens.





zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Its makers, NHN Japan, plan to focus even more on Line in 2013, and will even spin it off into a separate company.

Nimbuzz from India via the Netherlands

Released: November 2008
Users: 100 million

Although the app is originally a Dutch company, it moved its headquarters to India in mid-2011. The app is relatively simple like Chikka and GREE Messenger but offers integration with online chat applications like Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Facebook, and Windows Live Messenger. It also has a feature where users can make international calls. Some might say this is more like an older style instant messenger (IM) app.


同アプリの開発者NHN Japanは、2013年にはLineにもっと注力する予定で、同サービスを別会社として分離新設することも目指している。



Nimbuzzはもともとオランダ企業が開発したものだが、同社は2011年中頃に本社をインドに移転させている。同アプリは、ChikkaやGREE Mesengerのように比較的シンプルなものだが、Yahoo messenger、Google Talk、Facebook、Windows Live Messangerなどのオンラインチャットアプリケーションとリンクしている。また、国際電話をかけれる機能もある。どちらかと言えば、同サービスが旧式のインスタントメッセージ(IM)アプリだという人もいるかもしれない。

zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Russian roubles

Victor is from Russia. So are another 40 engineers in the team. These engineers have had experience battling Google back home in Russia, getting up to even 20 to 25 percent of the search queries in Russia through native search engine, Nigma. So they felt confident enough to fully enter the Vietnamese market. The company is mainly funded by Russian venture capitalists like Digital Sky Technologies, who also invested in Facebook early on.

Edit: Nigma did not secure 20 to 25 percent of the market but decided to move its energies to Vietnam.

CocCoc is actually a spin-off from projects back home, Victor explains to TechinAsia:



Lavrenko氏はロシアの出身で、同チームのエンジニア40人もロシア出身だ。この40人のエンジニアは故郷のロシアでGoogleと競い合った経験を持っていて、(Nigmaというロシアの検索エンジンを通じて、ロシア国内の検索市場の最大20〜25%のシェア率さえも確保した)。だから、ベトナム市場への完全参入には十分な自信を感じていた。同社は主に、ロシアのベンキャーキャピタリストからの支援を受けている。そのなかには、以前にFacebookにも出資をしているDigital Sky Technologies社も含まれている。

編集:Nigmaは市場のシェア率20〜25% を確保しなかったが、ベトナム市場への参入に同社のエネルギーを向けることに決めた。


zhizi English → Japanese
Original Text

Well, it’s easy to explain the specifics using our name as an example. You may notice that it has a space within the word Ed: Though not when we type it! because Vietnamese words are written by syllables. They used Chinese characters before, and the principle is one Chinese character for one syllable. So usually words consist of two or more syllables. Even if a word is a one-syllable term, there is a so called “pairness tendency” in Vietnamese language – they will add a stop word or the syllable with the same meaning just to avoid telling the single syllable.

