Yusaku Miguel Garcés (yusaku611) Translations

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Almost 11 years ago Male 30s
Japanese (Native) English Spanish Tagalog
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
yusaku611 English → Japanese
Original Text

I sent a payment for down payment on BTO guitar #7040 today. Please order with the specification on the file attachment.
What are the differences between the version up "2 System" with the previous one?

I put the Guitar on order for you yesterday, The # 2 system has the ability to adjust the volume of certain strings. Three different sensors on the bridge work to change your sound if you want too. It comes from the factory set just like a normal guitar. and it has instructions if you want to change. IE some singers that play alone play their own bass line and can have the low E and A volume turned up slightly to make it stand out more. The Spec sheet is turned in as it shows on that #7040


本日「BTO guitar # 7040」の納入書を送りました。そこでその説明書を並べて添付して頂きたいと思っています。
また、前回バージョンアップしたものと今回「The # 2 システム」の違いは何でしょうか?

昨日ギターの注文を承りました。 「The # 2 システム」 によって弦の音量を調整することが出来るようになりました。ブリッジの3つのセンサーで音を変えることもできます。また、普通のギターのように工場で装備された状態で入荷され、説明書もついています。 またギターで弾き語りをする際に、ベースラインの1弦と2弦のボリュームを変えることで目立たせます。同封の仕様書に「#7040」について書かれています。