私は4/18に商品を購入後、キャンセルをしました。その際、カード決済時になぜか2回連続で引き落としされ、その後キャンセル返金が1回ありましたが、もう1回分の返金がありません。至急返金対応をお願いいたします。お引落日時:2017/04/18 21:30:02お引落金額:33,164円加盟店名:EshopHenriBendelCOM取引明細番号:1A108001
I bought the product on April 8th and canceled it right after that.At that time somehow I had my credit card payment twice. One of them were refunded but I haven`t got the other one back.I would want my money back as soon as possible.debit day: 2017/04/18 21:30:02debits: 33,164JPYmember store: EshopHenriBendelCOMtransition number: 1A108001