We apologize to hear that the arrival of the item is delayed.We checked by tracking service, and found that it has already arrived at the office of customs in Chicago on June 21st and is being cleared.We checked and found that address of the invoice was not wrong.We can inquire them, but it takes a few days if we check from countries outside USA.We hate to ask, but would you tell the nearest post office the following tracking number of EMS and ask by yourself?We appreciate your understanding.
Item xxxIf I order this item on , the price is 93 dollars after deducting 25 percent from 124 dollars.But if I order on , it is 86,25 dollars after deducting 25 percent from 115 dollars.The current price is 106 dollars in the shop, and thereby it is 80 dollars after deducting 25 percent from 106 dollars.Would you discount all the items I purchased by setting the price as this 80 dollars?As this item is the same ones that I purchased in short time, may I ask you to sell at the same price?
A vertically unbalanced MOZY 3000 will swing about and pendulum when you walk, run, or turns. To adjust the Mozy 3000’s vertical balance you can either attach or take out Counterweights, or telescope the sled in or out. We recommend to telescope the sled to its full so that you need not to remember the point of balance always.A vertically balanced MOZY 3000 will take approximately two to three seconds when you do the “Drop Time” test—to pass the vertical position. . NOTE: The length of Drop Time set will, in the end, be up to you to decide. Different Drop Times affect the vertical balance and as a result, will change the obtainable shooting output.
垂直にバランスが取れていないMOZY 3000は、貴方が歩行、走行、または曲がる際、揺れます。本品の垂直なバランスの調整において、バランスを取るための錘をつけるか取り出すか、または、スレッドの出入りを細かく見ます。スレッドの検査を最大限の行うことをお勧めします。そうすれば、バランスのポイントを覚える必要はありません。「ドロップテスト」での垂直にバランスの取れた本品の合格には、約2,3秒かかります。注意: ドロップタイムの長さの設定を決定するのは貴方です。別の本タイムが本バランスへ影響を及ぼし、その結果、可能なアウトプットが変化します。
10When your FLYCAM MOZY 3000 is properly assembled, you can start the test and setup of the horizontal balance. When testing for horizontal balance start from a flat and level surface like a table. This will al-low the MOZY 3000 to hang freely as you hold it. If your FLYCAM MOZY 3000 is correctly bal-anced on its horizontal axis, then it will be both level & upright, with the Central Post in perfect vertical position. To accomplish horizontal balance, move the center of gravity of the camera by using the micro adjustment knobs for front to back & side to side. You have to adjust the plate forward-back or side to side either the Flycam is front heavy or back heavy.
10FLYCAM MOZY3000が正確にアセンブルされると、水平バランスのテストと設定をスタートできます。本バランスのテストではテーブルのような水平の表面からスタートしてください。そうそれば、掴むとMOZY3000が自由に揺れます。同品が水平の軸にバランス良く設置された場合、水平且つ直立となり、セントラルポストは100%垂直です。水平にバランスを取るには、マイクロ調整ノブを使いカメラの重力の中心を裏表と左右に動かします。プレートを前後または左右に調節。本品は、正面も裏面も重い。
【東京】a-nation island "pulse-ZERO" Awake! 2015「a-nation island "pulse-ZERO" Awake! 2015」出演決定!!!東京女子流が、代々木体育館でおこなされるa-nationに出演決定!☆チケット先行7/2(木) 15:00~7/9(木)23:59 まで「a-nationオフィシャルHP先着先行」実施決定!!お申込みはコチラ⇒https://y-tickets.jp/antn153-ohp
(Tokyo) a-nation island "pulse-ZERO" Awake! 2015It was decided that they are going to perform in "a-nation island "pulse-ZERO" Awake! 2015".It was decided that Tokyo Girls' Style is going to perform in the a-nation that is going to be held at Yoyogi Gynmasium.Sales of ticket by priorityWe decided to accept the reservation at the a-nation official website by first-come, first-served base between 15:00 on July 2nd Thursday and 23:59 on July 9th Thursday.You can apply at https://y-tickets.jp/antn153-ohp.
※受付は先着受付となります。※枚数に限りがございますので、お早目にお申し込みください。※お席はお申し込み順ではなく、ランダムに決定させていただきます。【公演概要】日程:2015年2015年8月1日(土)"pulse-ZERO" Awake! 2015開場15:00 / 開演16:00会場:東京・国立代々木競技場第一体育館
*We will accept the reservation by first-come, first-served base.*As the number of the ticket is limited, we recommend that you apply as early as possible.*We will decide your seat not by the order of application but at random.(Overview of concert)Date: August 1 Saturday 2015 "pulse-ZERO" Awake!2015Opening: 15:00 / Start: 16:00Venue: National Yoyogi Stadium 1st Gymnasium in Tokyo
KODA KUMI VISAカード“オリジナル弁当箱(非売品)プレゼントキャンペーン”スタート!「KODA KUMI VISAカード」にてお買い物利用いただくと「KODA KUMIオリジナル弁当箱(非売品)」を抽選にて70名様にプレゼント致します!キャンペーン期間:2015/7/1(水)~2015/9/30(水)
The present campaign of Koda Kumi Visa card "Original Lunch Box that is not sold in stores" starts.If you purchase an item by using the "Koda Kumi Visa Card", we will give 70 people the "Koda Kumi original lunch box that is not sold in stores" as a present by lottery.The period of campaign: July 1st Wednesday 2015 through September 30th Wednesday 2015
J-WAVE「GROOVE LINE Z」 6/29(月) 16:30-20:00J-WAVE『GROOVE LINE Z』(毎週月-木曜日 16:30-20:00)にて、倖田來未の新曲「EX TAPE」を全国初ラジオ解禁!!http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/grooveline/
J-Wave "Groove Line Z"16:30 t0 20:00 on June 29th MondayIn J-Wave "Groove Line Z" (16:30 to 20:00 on Monday through Thursday every week), "EX TAPE", a new song by Kumi Koda, is going to be released on radio for the first time across the nation.http://www.j-wave.co.jp/original/grooveline/
入場料 1,200円(小学生以下(要保護者同伴)・外国籍(要パスポート提示)の方は無料) 主催 京都国際マンガ・アニメフェア実行委員会,京都市 (事務局:産業観光局新産業振興室 問合せ:info@kyomaf.jp)(2)京都岡崎レッドカーペット2015 再整備が完了する岡崎公園で,見晴らし良く快適に過ごせる賑わいと憩いの空間を創出します。
Admission: 1,200 Yen (those who are or younger than elementary school students must be accompanied by their parents). Those with foreign nationality are free but have to show their passport.Sponsor: Kyoto International Comic and Animation Fair Steering Committee Kyoto City(Office: Industry and Sightseeing Bureau New Industry Section Inquiry: info@kyomaf.jp)(2) Kyoto Okazaki Red Carpet 2015In Okazaki Park where the redevelopment has been completing, we will create a space where we can have fun and relaxation comfortably in the nice view.
お知らせ •お知らせ資料(「京都岡崎ハレ舞台」の開催について)(PDF形式, 751.79KB)•告知ポスター(PDF形式, 1.70MB)Adobe Reader の入手 PDFファイルの閲覧には Adobe Reader が必要です。同ソフトがインストールされていない場合には、Adobe 社のサイトから Adobe Reader をダウンロード(無償)してください。
AnnouncementPamphlet of announcement("Kyoto Okazaki Harebutai")(PDF file by 751.79kilobite)Poster for announcement (PDF file by 1.70 megabite)How to obtain Adobe ReaderYou need the Adobe Reader to see the PDF file.In case where this software has not been installed yet, would you download it at the website of the Adobe. You can download it at free of charge.
当日は,その岡崎公園を中心に,動物園や美術館など岡崎エリア内の各施設においても特別な催しや,来訪者に回遊しながら楽しんでいただける周辺店舗等との連携企画を行うなど,地域が一体となって岡崎を盛り上げます! 1 全体概要(1)日時 平成27年9月19日(土曜日)・20日(日曜日) ※それぞれの催しにより開始・終了時間は異なります。(2)場所 岡崎エリア一帯
On the day, we will make whole Okazaki excited by focusing on Okazaki Park. We will hold a special event in each building in Okazaki area such as the zoo and the art museum. We also plan events by cooperating with stores around it where visitors can enjoy by walking around.
【広報資料】「市営地下鉄1dayフリーチケット」の3箇国語対応について交通局(営業推進室 863-5163) この度,京都市交通局では,本市を訪れる外国人観光客の増加に伴い「市営地下鉄1dayフリーチケット」を御利用される外国人のお客様が急増していることから,より快適・スムーズに地下鉄をご利用いただくため,「市営地下鉄1dayフリーチケット」の券面表記を,3箇国語(日本語,英語,中国語)対応としますのでお知らせします。
(Pamphlet of Advertisement) "City subway 1 day free ticket" where 3 languages are usedTransportation bureau (Sales promotion section 863-5163) Kyoto City Transportation Bureau announces that this time it is going to list the "city subway 1 day free ticket" in 3 languages (Japanese, English and Chinese) for the comfortable and smooth riding of the subway. The reason is that the number of foreign customers who use this free ticket is increasing as a result that foreign tourists who visit the city are increasing.
1 券面の表記内容 1dayフリーチケットを御利用される外国人のお客様からよく質問をいただく,1dayフリーチケットの使い方などの御利用案内について,以下のとおり,日本語・英語及び中国語(簡体字)の3箇国語で券面に記載しました。【3箇国語表記内容】 •「改札口では改札機のカード読み取り部に挿入してください。」•「乗車券は券面表示の日付のみ有効です。」
1. Details of listing of ticketRegarding how to use 1 day free ticket that is often asked about from foreign customers who use this ticket, we listed in 3 languages (Japanese, English and Simplified Chinese character) on the ticket as follows.(Details of listing the 3 languages)"Please insert into readable part of the card of the ticket checking machine at the ticket gate.""The ticket is valid only on the date that is listed on the ticket."
2 発売日時等 (1)発売開始日 平成27年7月1日水曜日から (2)発売場所 市バス・地下鉄案内所,定期券発売所 (上記以外の一日乗車券発売箇所では,現行デザインのカードが 無くなり次第,順次3箇国語対応カードを販売します。)【券面新デザイン】【券面旧デザイン】
2. Time and date of sale, etc.(1) Date of starting the sale: July 1st Wednesday 2015(2) Place of sale: Office of city bus and subway & office where the commuting pass is sold (In the office where 1 day ticket other than above is sold, we will start to sell the card where 3 languages are used after the card with the current design is sold out).(New design of ticket)(Old design of ticket)
先日は不足の商品をすぐに送ってくれてありがとう。私に教えて頂きたいのですが、下記の商品の在庫はいつ戻りますか? 先日注文した商品には入っていませんでした。おおよその在庫の戻りがわかれば私に教えて頂けますか?よろしくお願いします。
Thank you for sending the missing item immediately.I would like to know when inventory of the following item is returned?It was not included in the item that I ordered a few days ago.If you know the approximate time of returning, may I know it?Thank you.
We are very sad about completion of manufacturing.We sell the items that are listed in the catalog of 2014 fall and winter, which you gave to us for the first time.May we know the current inventory of all the items in the catalog and your plan of manufacturing them in the future?Would you let us know all other colors that you can send within this month?As we are going to order again in the middle of this month, would you send the item before the start of the vacation of your company?Thank you for coming and seeing me a few days ago.Have you returned to your country in one piece?We had a good time talking about a number of topics.We will select the sample we request, and let you know.
セラーサポートチーム御中いつも大変お世話になっております。ご連絡をいただきましたメールの件ですが、(かもはら こういち)は2014年11月に退社しております。退社後、弊社との関わりは全くありせん。私が弊社の株式の100%を所有しています。他に情報が必要であればご連絡ください。何卒よろしくお願いいたします。株式会社SUNONE代表取締役社長 かわむら かいち
Dear Seller Support TeamThank you for doing business with us.Regarding the e-mail that you sent to us, Koichi Kamohara quit our company in November 2014. He has nothing to do with us since he had quit. I own stock of our company by 100 percent.If you need further information, please let us know.Thank you for your understanding.SUNONEKaichi Kawamura President
They understand that they purchase at the new price.However, as the new price is 10 percent higher than the price in the past, condition of the purchasing is not as good as before.We hate to ask, but could you give us a little discount?Or would you pay for the shipping charge from the warehouse to Osaka?As your purchasing condition was good, we stopped purchasing the items from the wholesaler that we had been doing business with the same condition.We found some wholesalers, which are doing business with the condition better than yours.
私はEMSであなたのカメラを送ります。以下の日本郵便のサイトでもあなたの商品の追跡番号を確認できます。日本郵便によると、ベルギーまでは約6-8日で到着するので、7月17日迄には到着する予定です。また、あなたの商品はすでに出荷されているので、税関申告書類を過小申告することはできません。350 USD相当の、中古カメラ「商品」として、私は申告しています。商品ページにも書いたように、ebay規約に則り、過少申告や贈り物として商品をお送りすることはお断りをしています。ご了承ください。
I will send your camera by EMS.You can check the tracking number of your item at the following website of Japan Post.According to the Japan Post, it takes 6 to 8 days to be delivered to Belgium, and you will receive it on or before July 17th.As your item has already been sent, we cannot file the amount of your item listed in the document of filing customs duties lower than the actual amount.I file it as an used camera at 350 US dollars.As I listed in the page of items, I refuse to file at the price lower that the actual price and send an item as a present. Thank you for your understanding.
I tell you about submission of the document about the company that you are requesting.I have been telling you repeatedly. 「 」that I listed in account information is not a "trademark", which is registered as a company by law.It is the "trade mark" that I am hoping to use in the future, and has not been registered as a company yet.Under the current situation, I am still an "individual who runs a business" that is not incorporated.For this reason, I am going to change information of the account, but I cannot edit the page now (I cannot push the button of editing.)May I ask you to understand the situation, and permit me to resume the sales?