今、【倖田組 / playroom】から「キセカエ♪mu-mo」に新規会員登録、または追加コースご登録で、300ポイントプレゼント中!今後も倖田來未のスペシャルなキセカエや壁紙の配信を予定しておりますので、このチャンスをお見逃しなく!!・倖田組会員の方はこちら・playroom会員の方はこちら※ポイントプレゼントは、スマートフォンのみ対象となります。※「キセカエ♪mu-mo」会員登録は、必ずファンクラブ サイトへログイン後、ダウンロードページよりご登録ください。
We are giving you 300 points as a present if you register as a new member from Koda Gumi /Playroom to Kisekae mu-mo or register in additional course.As we are going to distribute Kumi Koda's special kisekae and wall paper, please do not miss this chance.Please see here if you are member of the Koda Gumi.Please see here if you are a member of the playroom.*Only those who use smart phone can receive the point.*For registration of member of the "Kisekae mu-mo", would you register at the page of downloading after logging in the website of fan club.
TechinsightWe listed a special interview of Kumi Koda.http://japan.techinsight.jp/2015/07/kodakumi1507211200.html
18:30~ dTVでAAAのツアーファイナル公演を独占生配信!「AAA ARENA TOUR 2015 10th Anniversary -Attack All Around-」ツアーファイナルである7月23日(木)の日本武道館公演の模様を、dTVで独占生配信する事が決定しました!docomoの方はもちろん、docomo以外の方もご視聴いただけます。詳細はこちらhttp://bit.ly/1KUEjXZ
We are going to distribute AAA's tour final on dTV at 18:30 live."AAA Arena Tour 2015 10th Anniversary-Attack All Around"We decided to distribute the tour final that is held in Nippon Budokan on July 23rd Thursday on dTV live.Not only those who use DoCoMo but also those who use other mobile phones can watch it.For details, please refer to http://bit.ly/1KUEjXZ .
★After a second thought, I changed my mind and decide to keep the camera. It is a small issue after all. Besides, I have bought another XPAN II and decided to compare these two. I may sell one later but want to see which one is better first.Sorry for all the troubles.★I have tried the camera in the past week and found that the yellow focusing mark is a bit off vertically. That is, it does not coincident completely even when the focus is right on. I understand that this does not affect usage very much but I am buying this for collection and would love it to be perfect. As a result, I want to have it returned to you for a full refund.Can you please advise your return address? Thanks!
The item that you ordered is out of stock today.We inquired the company from which we purchase it. They said that they were going to send the items to us around 30th.When we receive them, we will send it to you by express mail.If you would like to have it immediately, you can contact us about cancellation.If you do not contact us within 48 hours, we understand that you can wait for the item.If you can wait, we will notify message of sending first subject to the system at Amazon. We hope that you understand it.
I apologize to you.The color of the item that I sent to you a few days might be wrong.You might receive the tablet with pink color.If the item you open is not the one that you ordered, please let me know.I will send a correct item by express mail immediately.In that case, may I ask you to send the item that I had sent to you by mistake?I will refund part of shipping charge in the whole amount.I apologize to have caused you an inconvenience.If I were you, I would have been very disappointed.
1や2のような表示が出て3のようにActivation Keyが求められるのですが、UserNameとPasswordをメンバーズサイトのログイン時のと同じものを入力しても、使用できません。また動画( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXopShVu98E )にあるSneaky Freakがメンバーズサイト消えてしまっています。UserNameとPasswordが間違っているのであれば、正しいUserNameとPasswordを教えてください。
1 or 2 is shown, and activation key is requested like 3.I cannot use even if I input the user name and password that are the same as the ones I use when I log in member's website.Sneaky Freak that is in the moving picture (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXopShVu98E ) disappears on the member's website.If the user name and password are wrong, may I know the correct user name and password?
In Japan, if a person goes to a festival with a friend who is an opposite sex, one person must like the another person. It means that a festival is very important. I do not doubt you. If most of the Japanese women see the e-mail that I sent to you yesterday, they will kind of envy and be disappointed. We will do not understand well by the slight nuance developed between English and Japanese. I am self-centered. I do not mind if you have fun with your friend who is a female.
Hello! I made my payment via paypal. Now you can see that ebay shows this purchase as "paid". Please, send this lens in cartoon box via EMS with tracking number and insurance. Please, print this jpg file with my address in Russian and glue it on the cartoon box. It's for Russian post. I'll be waiting from you my tracking number. Thank you for your understanding and kindness!
I saw in the certificate of analysis, Izumi, IB no.1 and octokeep have the production date and expiry date but it don't show the lot number. By the way, the octokeep production date is September 5, 2014 and expiry date is 180 days from production date, means it's expired already. And in the Aluminum certificate of analysis don't have such information.
分析証明書にIzumi, IB No.1が記載されており、octokeepには製造日と賞味期限日が掲載されていますが、ロット番号は掲載されていません。ところで、octokeepの製造日は2014年9月5日、賞味期限日は製造日から180日なので、既に、賞味期限日を過ぎています。アルミニウムの分析証明書には、このような情報は掲載されていません。
Yesterday, the government officer has took sample of the food additives and if it ok, we can bring the food additives to the company. But when she check the ticker in the bags of the food additives, she said that it don't have the production date and expiry date of that production lot, so that we need to send her that information. If not, the food additive will fell the check. So please ask the manufacturer and send me any document from the manufacturer for this information as soon as possible.
それぞれの国で、礼儀正しい行動というものがある。アメリカでは、・次の人のためにドアを開けて待つ。・レストランで大きな声でウェイターを呼ばない。日本では、・家に入るときは靴を脱ぐ・電車を待っているときに整列して並ぶ。などがある。それぞれの国の文化や習慣で、礼儀正しさの定義は異なる。しかし、世界共通して以下の点に配慮することが、礼儀正しさと考える。 • 人に迷惑をかけない • 失礼な態度を避ける • 他者を思いやる
Each country has an appropriate manner and etiquette.In the States, Keep a door opened for the next personDo not call a waiter loudly in a restaurantIn Japan,Take off your shoes when you enter the houseStand in line when you wait for the trainThe definition of appropriate manner and etiquette is different by culture and custom of each country.However, we believe that it is a good manner to consider the following items all over the world.Do not give a nuisance to peopleAvoid being impoliteConsider others
A refund will be made only when the camera I have received.Provide for safe packing and insured shipping.Registered letter insured item. So I have also sent to you.Do not forget to set the original invoice with my customs Eori number for customs in Germany. This is very very important for the return.Should I use the camera does not receive here in Germany, I will not agree to any refund.Shipping costs are paid separately after receipt of the camera.Regards
倖田來未がLIVE CAST中にあなたのお悩みに答えちゃうかも!?お楽しみに!●倖田來未LINE公式アカウントON-AIR機能での質問募集2015年7月19日(日)0:00~7月20日(月)23:59予定※ON-AIR機能とは「ON-AIR機能」は、LINE公式アカウントが、一定期間、ラジオの“オンエア”のような状態になり、ファンの皆さんからの意見・質問・メッセージを受信することができるような機能です。
Kumi Koda might answer your problem while she is performing live. You can look forward to it.We are going to accept questions by using Kumi Koda Line official account on-air from 0:00 on July 19th Sunday 2015 to 23:59 on July 20th Monday.*What is on-air?"On-air" is a function where the Line official account is the "on-air" of the radio for a certain period and they can receive an opinion and question from fans.
ON-AIR機能を利用して、「友だち」になっている皆さんからの返信を受け付けるときには、各有名人からトークで「いまから開始します」というようなことがお知らせされます。●倖田來未LINE公式アカウント LINE LIVE CASTでの生放送2015年7月23日(木)20時より(予定)※LINE LIVE CASTを見るためには、事前に倖田來未LINE公式アカウントを友だち登録する必要があります。
When you receive a reply from those who are friends by using the on-air, you will receive from each celebrities a message that "we are going to start" in talking.The live casting by using Kumi Koda Line official account starts at 20:00 on July 23rd Thursday 2015 (scheduled).*You have to register the Kumi Koda Line official account as a friend in advance to see the live casting by using the Line.
期間限定特設販売サイトより販売期間内に、7月22日発売サマー・コレクション・アルバム『SUMMER of LOVE』をご購入いただくと、B2告知ポスター(非売品)+オリジナルタトゥーシールをプレゼント! 【LINE LIVE CAST特設販売サイト】(PC)http://shop-stage.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?jsiteid=KOLI&categ_id=8002535
If you purchase the summer collection album entitled "Summer of Love" that is going to be released on July 22nd during the sales period from the website of special sales with limited period, we will give you B2 poster for notification (not sold in stores) and an original tattoo seal as a present.(Website for special sales of Line Live Cast)(PC)http://shop-stage.mu-mo.net/a/list1/?jsiteid=KOLI&categ_id=8002535
「AAAR」iPhone版サービス再開のご報告「AAAR」iPhone版サービス再開のご報告 皆さまにお待ちいただいておりましたiPhone版『AAAR』につきまして、本日よりサービスを再開させていただく運びとなりましたことをご報告致します。iPhone版「AAAR」を心待ちにしていただいていたファンの皆さまには大変ご不便をおかけ致しましたことを重ねてお詫び申し上げます。
We report that we resume the service by "AAAR" iPhone version.We report that we resume the service by "AAAR" iPhone version.Regarding the iPhone version "AAAR" that you have been waiting, we announce that we are going to resume the service today.We apologize to fans who have been waiting for the "AAAR" by iPhone version for causing an inconvenience again.
「AAAR」iOShttps://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/id953925343?l=ja&ls=1&mt=8&at=1l3v225&ct=OFF000485*Those who have already downloaded the application might have to update part of it.
サマー・コレクション・アルバム『SUMMER of LOVE』予約購入者特典ポスターデザイン決定!!7月22日発売となるサマー・コレクション・アルバム「SUMMER of LOVE」の予約購入者特典ポスターデザインが決定致しました!今回は、「Loppi・HMV」、「TOWER RECORDS」、「TSUTAYA」、その他のCDショップ、それぞれの店舗限定のポスターをプレゼントとなります!
We decided design of the poster for special bonus to those who make a reservation and purchase the summer collection album entitled "Summer of Love".We decided design of the poster for special bonus to those who make a reservation and purchase the summer collection album entitled "Summer of Love" that is going to be released on July 22nd.This time we will give a poster that is sold only in "Loppi・HMV," "Tower Records," "Tsutaya". and other CD shops as a present.
裏面:TSUTAYA RECORDSオリジナルビジュアルポスター◇その他のCDショップ:B2告知ポスター表面:『SUMMER of LOVE』告知ポスター(表面のみ)※表面の告知ポスターのデザインは4種類とも共通となります。【注意事項】・特典は予約された方に先着でお渡しする特典です。・特典は無くなり次第終了となりますので、お早めにご予約ください。
Back side: Tsutaya Records original visual posterOther CD shop: B2 poster for notificationFront side: "Summer of Love" poster for notification (only the front side)*The design of the poster for notification at the front is the same for all 4 kinds.(Notes)We hand out a special bonus for those who have made a reservation by first come, first serve basis.As we will close when we sell out the special bonus, we recommend that you make a reservation as early as possible.