Toshiya Teranishi (shundiver) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shundiver English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

AU Optronics, a display manufacturer that produces panels for the iPad mini, has reportedly caught up with its orders following poor yield rates during the second half of 2012. The company has produced one million displays for the device, according to industry sources, and it has now begun work on its next project — a new display for the next-generation iPad mini.

Sources for DigiTimes are claiming that AUO has now caught up with its iPad mini display orders, which will help keep supplies steady. The news comes just a day after Apple updated its online store in many countries to list the iPad mini “in stock” and immediately available for shipping.


iPad miniにパネルを供給しているディスプレイ製造メーカーのAUオプティックスは、2012年下半期中に注文数に対して低い生産率に留まっていたものの、このほど注文に追いつきつつあると報じられている。産業界からの情報によると、このメーカーは既にiPad miniのディスプレイを100万枚生産し、今は次世代iPad mini用の新型ディスプレイの生産を始めているとのことだ。

デジタイムの情報源によれば、AUオプティックスがiPad miniのディスプレイの注文に供給を間に合わせ始めたことで、供給が安定してくると考えられる。このニュースは、アップル社が多くの国のオンラインストア上のiPad miniのページを、「在庫あり」・即発送可に更新した日のちょうど次の日に上がってきたものだ。

shundiver English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

this guitar actually was traded in from a friend of mine that is a drummer in a Beatlemaina cast and collects all things Beatles

he knows about 3 or 4 chords and strums on his guitars just a little
he has a Beatle music room (studio) in his house that he likes to display and show off his guitars and drums .

also he buys and sells his stuff all the time

i hade the store manager from where he traded it in look over the piece

it is in great shape Neck straight, works great , no fret wear (probably has a couple of hours on it ) everything works fine but there is no paper work

