しおとん (shioton) Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shioton English → Japanese
Original Text

We’re currently unable to ship outside of the United States and Canada
unless the order total is over $5000.00 USD. I recommend choosing a
freight forwarder that we can ship the items to. Most of the time we can
provide free shipping to the freight forwarder’s location, but they
would then be responsible for the international shipping and associated
costs. There are many freight forwarders, so I suggest taking the time
to compare prices to make sure you get the best deal.

If you need any of the shipping dimensions or weights, please let me
know and I’d be happy to provide that info. If you are still interested
in placing the order, you can do so by clicking here.




shioton English → Japanese
Original Text

Your listing(s) may be eligible for relisting through My eBay. If your listing is eligible, you will see the listing in your Unsold Items page within My eBay. Listings that are not eligible for relisting will not be visible in the Unsold Items page.

To relist your item, sign in to eBay, go to My eBay to your Unsold items, and select the item that was canceled -- it's highlighted with a yellow banner. Before relisting, please make any changes necessary to ensure that your revised listing is in compliance with the law and eBay policies. You might want to check your other listings for similar violations as well.


"My eBay" からいくつかのリスティングは再掲載出来るかもしれません。もしあなたのリスティングが有効であると認められたら、”My eBay”の中にある”Unsold Items”のページ内にリスティングが表示されます。再掲載に有効ではないと判断されたリスティングは”Unsold Items”のページ内には表示されません。

再掲載するためには、eBayにサイン・インし、そして”My eBay”から”Unsold Items”へと行き、キャンセルされたアイテムを選びます。(黄色のバナーでハイライトされています)

shioton English → Japanese
Original Text

Hopefully you all are loving the new layout of the website and how mobile friendly it is.Today we would like to let you know that we are no longer going to have a paid fan club like we did with the Paramore Fan Club.We feel like it limited many of you who still wanted access to the content, community, meet n greets and pre-sale tickets but who were not members of PFC.We want to open up these opportunities to more fans so starting today, all you need to do is make sure you’re a member of Paramore.net!As an official member of Paramore.net, you will get the chance to participate in special presales, early entry to venues, meet n greets, limited merch items and new content.


この新たしいレイアウトとモバイル使用のウェブサイトを気に入ってくれるといいと思います。今日ここで私たちはもう有料のParamore Fan Clubを続けていかないことをお知らせします。有料である為に沢山のファン達にウェブのコンテンツやコミュニティー、前売りチケットや私たちバンドに会える機会を制限していたと思います。今日から私たちはこの制限をなくし、すべてのParamore.netの会員にこれらの機会を与えます!Paramore.netの正規会員になることで特別前売りや会場への早い入場、メンバーに会える機会、限定商品や新しいコンテンツへの機会を得られます。

shioton English → Japanese
Original Text

So make sure you sign up no matter what part of the world you live in.We really want to give as many of you as possible a chance to enjoy these perks and we want to say a special thank you to all the PFC members who joined throughout the years.We just announced more dates in September and we are going to give all Paramore.net members the first chance to buy tickets early starting tomorrow.We will also offer some new ticketing options to help get tickets in your hands and not the ticket brokers.We saw way too many of you complaining about this when our last dates went on sale and we are doing our best to minimize that.



shioton English → Japanese
Original Text

So in response to that, you will see us implement paperless ticketing, special pricing and limited bundles for certain seats as we try to keep ticket prices lower but secure for you to purchase.More about this in the coming days when we roll out our official Paramore ticketing policy.So please make sure you’re on the email list and watch out for more info on our special presales we are doing for all our tours moving forward.This will give many more the option to get tickets before they sell out.Thank you, Hayley, Jeremy & Taylor / Paramore."Do you think it's fair for artists to have paid fan clubs?What are your thoughts on free vs.paid fan opportunities?



shioton English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Under ○○'s new corporate policy we are restricted from selling Genuine ○○ products to resellers. In addition we are no longer allowed to ship Genuine ○○ products via third party shipping hubs or freight forwarders for international customers.

However we are not restricted from selling or shipping aftermarket products or ○○ licensed products. For questions please contact us support@aaa.com , call 111.111.1111 or live chat us on our site http://www.aaa.com

We have canceled your order and refunded your payment.

This new policy comes as a huge disappointment to us we are very sorry for the hardship this may present. We valued your business and wish you and your families the best of luck.


新しい○○のポリシーに基き、販売業者にGenuine ○○ 製品を売ることを制限されています。それ加えて、我々はGenuine ○○製品を第三者である船舶や航空機を使って海外の’お客様へ販売が出来なくなってしまいました。

しかし我々は後づけ商品や○○製の製品の輸出入については制限を受けておりません。 質問があればsupport@aaa.com までか、電話であれば111.111.1111、ライブチャットは http://www.aaa.com までご連絡ください。



This new policy comes as a huge disappointment to us we are very sorry for the hardship this may present. We valued your business and wish you and your families the best of luck.

shioton English → Japanese
Original Text

Customers include Sony Mobile Phones, Sony Ericsson MC, ST Ericsson and Audiovox amongst others.

Fructel AB was founded to develop, produce and sell products under the new brand. The Gametel is the first of an exciting range of mobile gaming products, more information can also be found at;

The Gametel controller is a game pad that links to an Android or iOS phone or tablet via Bluetooth, enabling single and multiplayer game play of an ever increasing range of games. Using a cable to connect the phone or tablet to a TV or a PC Monitor, games can also be played via the Gametel remotely connected to the phone or tablet via the Bluetooth link.


顧客は数ある中でSony Mobile Phones、Sony Ericsson MC、ST EricssonとAudiovoxを含みます。
Fructel ABはあたしいブランドの元に開発、生産そして販売のために設立されました。Gametelは数あるエキサイティングなモバイルゲーム製品の中でも一番です。詳細はここに掲載されています。

またケーブルで電話やタブレットとTVやPCモニターをつなぐ事によって、Bluetoothリンクを経由しつながった電話やタブレットのゲームを離れたところからでもGametel ですることができます。

shioton English → Japanese
Original Text

- Use only when games are played (the rest of the time the phone or tablet is what it should be, a business tool and communication device).
- Phone held securely in the Gametel spring loaded clamp.
- Phone or tablet and Gametel controller physically separated but connected via Bluetooth.
- Phone or tablet connected to TV / PC / Mac with HDMI output and GameTel controller separated.
- Multi-player usage (up to 4 GameTel controllers) with one phone or tablet where games permit this.
Gametel on UK television;
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu6sz2hlzxE&feature=relmfu


- ゲームをしているときに使用ください(ゲーム中以外は電話もタブレットもビジネスやコミュニケーションの機器として使用してください。).
- 携帯電話はGametelのスプリングクランプでしっかりと支えてください。
- 携帯電話やタブレット機器そしてGametelコントローラーは離れていてもBluetoothによって接続されています。
- 携帯電話やタブレット機器はHDMI端子でTVやPCモニター/Macと接続し、Gametelコントローラーは接続しないでください
- ゲームの仕様によって一台の接続された携帯電話やタブレット機器でマルチプレーヤーとして使用できます(4つのGametelコントローラーまで対応)
UK televisionにてGametelが紹介されました。
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu6sz2hlzxE&feature=relmfu

shioton English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text


We sell only to US addresses. If you have an established google checkout account or paypal account, you can buy from us. Our credit cards processors wont allow abroad transactions. If you can let usknow the product and quantity, we can give you quote and modify pricing.


Masaaki Sando,

Thank you for your email. We sell to many companies in Japan. We would like the opportunity to sell your company. We can ship to your freight forwarder company in Florida. Please let us know which products you are interested in buying?






まさあき さんど 様

