Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma Japanese → English
Original Text





Please let me know the declared value you desire.

The postal service will be responsible for any damage or loss of the item during transport.
In that case, I will compensate for it using their insurance.
However, if I declare a lower value according to your request, the original value of the item would not be compensated in case of the loss of the item. Would it be alright?
※Among my transactions made for several thousand times, there were a couple of cases that items were lost in transit due to the fault of the postal service.

Set of limited-edition posters for Godzilla's 50th anniversary.
There is a slight damage on the cover although it was stored unopened.
These posters were not for sale and are very rare items.