Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

DHL haev now confirmed for me that the tracking is referring to a Customs Hold and they have been informed that you have not claimed this Shipment.

This Shipment contains Package 199423 which you informed us about on the 6th July. It seems my colleague requested the MSDS for these items, and while we were waiting for the store to respond the rest of your goods were dispatched.

This Shipment is part of your Dyson order.

If you do not want to accept this Shipment from DHL and would like the goods to be returned then you will be charged the cost of the Return Shipment - which is usually the same price as the inital Shipment.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,



この荷物には、7月6日にお問い合わせいただいた注文品199423 がふくまれています。弊社のスタッフが、これらの物に対するMSDSを依頼したようですが、店側からの回答を待っている間に、貴方の残りの注文品が発送されたようです。




shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

Your disbursement of 100 USD has been delayed because the credit or debit card registered to your account is no longer valid. Your card may have expired, or the billing address may have changed.

A valid credit or debit card helps authenticate you when funds from your sales on the site are transferred to your bank account. Your card may also be used to pay for any outstanding Amazon fees.

You can update your credit card information on the Account Info page in the Settings. Select Charge Methods and then click on Edit to update your information. We accept Visa card.

Once you have a valid credit or debit card on file, funds will be transferred to your bank account on file according to your settlement schedule.




設定の口座情報ページにて、カード情報の更新が可能です。情報を更新する場合には、Charge Methods (請求方法)を選択し、編集ボタンを押してください。ビザカードを受け付けています。
