Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thank you for your Colamco order. This item is on back order, with no date given on when it is expected back in stock. Therefore, this order has been canceled. You have not been charged. If you decide that you will wait for the item to be back in stock, let me know and I will re-activate and place this order. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for your reply. I am sorry, the merchant cannot tell me when this item will be back in stock. Right now, not one single pack is in stock. Do you wish that I continue with this order. I have placed the order in a temporary hold status, pending your reply. I wish I had a better answer for you. Please advise.


