Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

However we may not be able to help you get this product reinstated.

We would write you a bespoke appeal letter and plan of action. This appeal letter would be with you no later than 24 hours after receipt of payment.

We charge a fixed fee of £400 for the bespoke appeal letter and plan of action. This includes
1. A well thought out and proven Amazon appeal letter
2. A well and proven written plan of action
3. A set of instructions on what settings to change on your account
4. Any further emails to Amazon which is usually 3-5.
5. Online support via email and live chat
6. Over 18 years of experience, knowledge and expertise in helping Amazon sellers accounts get reinstated




懇願書および実行計画書は固定価格 £400 です。これには以下が含まれます。
1 熟考され定評のあるアマゾンへの懇願書
2 定評のある精巧な実行計画書
3 貴方のアカウント設定の変更指示一式
4 アマゾンへのメール-通常3~5通
5 メールおよびライブチャットによるオンラインサポート
6 アマゾンセラーのアカウント復元に対する、18年以上の経験、知識およびノウハウ

shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

No problem, you can always take as much time as you need to decide, I am in no hurry! I understand.

Unfortunately, we just don't get a very good deal on *** parts. I would say our price is middle range compared to other dealers. I will try to speak further with my supplier and see if he can get us a better deal since we are buying so many of them. Maybe I will be able to reduce the price a little more for you. Thank you again, and I will let you know if a smaller price is possible.


Kindly provide me with the item numbers and the quantities required to fulfill your order. I can check if how many units we have available for fulfillment and offer a special discount for you. I look forward to your response.





shimauma English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I apologize for the delay in getting the pricing for you. It took my supplier a long time to get back to me, but I have everything done for you. They told me that I can have any part that ***** carries within 3 days. So I should be able to get everything that you sent me.

For shipping, I am not sure how much it will be honestly. I will not know for sure until we get the parts ordered and I can box them up. Then I can get exact weight and dimensions to get a price for shipping. We have never really shipped these parts before, so it's hard to estimate the amount. Sorry I can't really give you a price for shipping right now.


