Sakura (setsuko-atarashi) Translations

4.7 8 reviews
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Over 9 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Several years ago I bought a collection of Redline Hot Wheels from the son of a Shell Gas Station owner and he had several opened boxes of Hot Wheels cars. I bought them all and decided now to sell one shipping box filled with 96 cards! All of these blister packages are UNPUNCHED and have never been on a rack for sale - so no price stickers and all in pretty amazing shape. Very few have minor issues from aging. All in same condition from sitting in box for over 45 years and not played with.
No sun damage, no buttons removed , these are the real deal.
Pick up can be arranged in NJ by Atlantic City or Washington, DC area
If shipped I will use FED Ex ground or mutual agreed method.
From the Bruce Pascal collection.


数年前に私はShell Gas Stationのオーナの息子からRedline Hot Wheelsの収集を買いました。彼はHot Wheel の車のすでに開けられた物を数個もっていました。私は全部購入し96カード入りの発送箱の一つをいま販売すると決めました。これら全部の気泡包装された物は開封されておらず販売もされたことがありません。それで、価格表はなく全てとても素晴らしい形をしています。年代と共にある問題はほとんどありません。45年間以上はこの中に同じ状態で全部入っており一度も使われていません。
ピックアップはAtlantic City 又はWashington, DCエリアのNJ でアレンジ出来ます。
発送しましたら、私はFED Ex グラウンド又はお互いに同意した方法を使います。
the Bruce Pascal 収集より。