Sakura (setsuko-atarashi) Translations

4.7 8 reviews
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Over 9 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
setsuko-atarashi Japanese → English
Original Text

蒲田駅前の選挙演説風景である。2005年9月 選挙カーの上には平将明氏とその応援演説
民営化もすすみ株式も公開された。先日郵便局で順番を待っている時 置いてある保険のチ


It is an election campaigning scene taken before Kamata station. On the election car, there is Junichiro Koizumi who was then the prime minster and came to give support speech for Akira Taira. Mr Koizumi dissolved the House of Representatives to ask the people after the postal privatization bill was rejected at the upper house. As a result, the ruling party won a majority victory. Since then it has been 11 years, it was privatized and its shares were opened. The other day, when I was waiting my turn at a post office, without taking an insurance tip placed there, I was looking at it, when a clerk came up to me saying if I was interested in it adding he will consult about it by handing me his business card. It would not have happened in 10 years ago.