Sakura (setsuko-atarashi) Translations

4.7 8 reviews
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Over 9 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
setsuko-atarashi English → Japanese
Original Text

Basically, we are interested to cooperate on this venture (we have dozens
of top sellers on Clickbank so if this venture goes well we'll be happy to
work with you on our other offers as well), however:

・We had an unpleasant experience with a Japanese publishing guy who
simply disappeared after we signed a contract and the material has already
been translated. Howe can we make sure you'll keep your end of the bargain
and that you'll be honest and sincere with regards to payments, monthly
reports, etc.?

・Will monthly payment be made automatically to our account (via wire for

・Would you be willing to sign a publishers agreement?

・Can we own the Japanese domain name or host the translated files on
our servers?


・ 弊社は日本の発行者と契約を結び原稿が翻訳された後彼は姿を消してしまったという苦い経験が有ります。しかし、貴社は契約を守り、支払いや毎月の報告等を正直に誠実に行って頂けると確信出来ますか?

・ 毎月のお支払いは弊社のアカウント(例えば、電信で)に自動的に振り込んで頂けますか?
・ 出版社契約書に同意して頂けますか?

・ 弊社が日本のドメイン名を所有し弊社のサーバーの翻訳されたファイルをを提供することはできますか?

setsuko-atarashi Japanese → English
Original Text

古文書で は、往昔、明神山頂に小祠を祀るとあ り、これが現在の御所に鎮座する諏訪 神社奥宮とされています。 天保12年 (1841)、甲斐国都留郡平野村の名主で あった長田勝之進は、相模国小田原城 主の大久保加賀守と検地の際、甲斐国 の為に土地拡張を企画して、現存の明神 山頂より山北町の明神峠に奥宮を変遷 しました。後、神社関係者及び山中の 有志諸彦が、鎮座地の真相を認めて、現 在地に諏訪神社奥宮として再建されました。
9月 1日に例祭「奥宮祭」が執り行われてい ます。


In the ancient document, there written on the top of Myojin (明神)a small shrine. This is present Suwa Shrine Okumiya (諏訪神社奥宮) which places at Gosyo. In Tempo 12 (1841), Nagata Katsunoshin who was the chief of Kaikoku Turugun Hiranomura (甲斐国都留群平野村)planned expansion of the land for Kaikoku at the time of inspection with Okubo Kaganokami (大久保加賀守)who was the head of Sagaminokuni Odawara castle (相模国小田原城). They changed Okumiya (奥宮) to Myojin mountain top of Yamakita-machi from present Myojin mountain top. Later, shrine officials and volunteers of Yamanaka rebuilt it as Suwa Shrine Okumiya in the present site after acknowledging the truth of sanctuary.
On 1 September, Reisai (例祭)”Okumiyasai (奥宮祭)is held.