rie0315 Translations

ID Unverified
About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
rie0315 English → Japanese
Original Text

Freelancer to launch Thai site content and local currency transactions

Freelancer, a global outsourcing and crowdsourcing website, today announced that its Thai site will be launched on September 6.

Freelancer.com today announced that it will be launching in Thailand tomorrow, September 6. This will see the crowdsourcing and outsourcing marketplace further strengthen its presence in Asia by launching its Thai site content and local currency transactions.

Freelancer’s vice president for growth, Willix Halim, a keynote presenter at e27′s Echelon Ignite Thailand 2013 announced the marketplace’s entry into the Thai market. This follows closely after their announcement of their Malaysian regional website.





e27′s Echelon Ignite Thailand 2013 でキーノートのプレゼンターを務めた、Freelancer.comの成長部門の統括責任者であるWillix Halim氏が、タイ市場への参入を発表した。この発表は、同社のマレーシア地域のウェブサイトの発表に続けての発表であった。

rie0315 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Chinese Investors See Market Potential in Emerging Services for LGBT groups

Zank, a social service for Chinese homosexuals, raised several million yuan in seed funding from Matrix Partners China in May this year. Zank, actually, has been around for three years as an online gay community. It got funding in less than one month after the launch of a mobile app.

It’s unknown whether it is the first case that a homosexual-targeted tech startup has got funded. What’s for sure is Chinese investors have set eyes on the market potential of Internet services for LGBT groups.



中国の同性愛者向けのソーシャルサービス「Zank」は今年5月、シードラウンドでMatrix Partners Chinaから数百万元の資金を調達した。Zankは、オンライン上のゲイコミュニティーとして3年前に立ち上げられた。そして同サービスは、モバイルアプリのローンチ後1カ月も経たないうちから資金調達を得ている。


rie0315 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

With 180 million registered users across 230 countries, India represents a great potential for LINE because the nation’s smartphone market has grown 74 percent from Q1 2012 to Q1 2013. There is also a cultural statistic to show that more than 50 percent of people in India love to share “almost everything” online, making this population increasingly receptive to social media.

This move by LINE also represents the company’s flexible expansion strategy. As CEO of Line Corporation, Akira Morikawa mentioned in his interview at the recent B Dash camp, LINE’s localization strategy is to be like a borderless company without the need to set up regional subsidiaries in all the countries or region that they operate.



LINEのこのような動きは、同社の柔軟性のある拡大戦略の象徴である。LINE株式会社のCEO森川 亮氏は、最近開催されたB Dash Campのインタビューで「LINEのローカライゼーション戦略は、どんな国や地域にも子会社を設立する必要がないボーダーレス企業のようなもの」と話している。

rie0315 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

It is definitely interesting to see the rapid expansion of LINE across the globe. However, there is still an uphill battle for many parts of Asia because the monetization of apps is still very low. For example, there is a lower purchasing power with higher price sensitivity, and low credit cards and e-payment system penetrations.

Nonetheless, the app explosion in the mobile market is still a global phenomenon that has yet to peak in many parts of the world. Countries like China has now surpassed US as the number one app economy in the world, and is now the biggest app market in Asia.

Below are the two TV commercials released in India for LINE.





rie0315 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

7 lessons this B2B startup founder learned

Mick Liubinskas is co-founder of WooBoard.com, a Sydney-based global company aiming to help people love their jobs by giving them daily recognition.

What lessons can you learn from a B2B startup? Mick Liubinskas from Wooboard, an employee recognition platform shares about his journey.

WooBoard was first raised as an idea back in May 2011. Wonderfully, and amazingly, it’s still alive and kicking two years on. We’ve learned some interesting things about building a B2B SaaS business focused on employee recognition and here are just some of the highlights.



Mick LiubinskasはWooBoard.comの共同創業者である。WooBoard.comはシドニーを拠点としたグローバル企業で、ユーザーの仕事を日々賞賛することで、ユーザーが仕事を好きになることを手助けすることを目標としている。

B2Bのスタートアップから学べることはどんなことだろうか。WooboardのMick Liubinskasが、従業員を評価するプラットフォームまでの道のりを教えてくれた。


rie0315 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Founded by Alon Sobol who’s previously the Head of Mobile Partnerships, Asia at Facebook and Vice President for Products at Mig33, Snyppit is a simple way to create and share seven seconds video. It works pretty much similar to Vine: Hold Down to Record, Release to Pause, Options to Add Filter, and you can like and comment on other videos.

Why is video sharing important?

So what’s the big deal about video sharing? In this consumption economy, our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and our demand for creative, quality content is on the rise. If you can’t tell me your story in 6 seconds (or 15 seconds), you’ve lost me.


Snyppitを創業したAlon Soblhs、Facebookのアジアモバイルパードナーシップのヘッドを務め、Mig33で製品担当の部長を務めた経歴を持つ。Snyppitは、単純に7秒のビデオを作って共有するアプリである。これはVineとよく似ており、押すと録画が始まり、指を離すと停止する仕組みで、フィルターを付けることができる。また、他のビデオにいいね!をしたり、コメントをすることもできる。



rie0315 English → Japanese
Original Text

All references to system can be removed, so your customers will not be confused by a site they don't know
Show your schedule by day, week, month or in list format
Create your own custom booking fields and drop down lists and create forms that can be added to your registration or booking process to capture additional information
Use constraints to specify how long people can book in advance, when they can cancel and how often they can book
Allow users to make repeated bookings or require them to sign up for a series of classes at once
The system is available in 26 languages, supports 25 currencies and all the worlds' time zones.
Improve usage and reduce no-shows



rie0315 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

・Lack of interest. Frankly, many Chinese internet companies simply don’t care about overseas markets because China’s market is so huge and is likely to continue growing rapidly over the next decade. With a giant market at home that promises lots of opportunity, why even bother taking a risk overseas?

・Lack of expertise. In the same way that many Western internet companies failed to properly adapt to the Chinese internet and thus were beaten by domestic competitors, Chinese internet companies face similar challenges when expanding abroad. Adapting Chinese services to the needs and wants of overseas users is difficult and expensive, and often finding the personnel necessary to do it properly isn’t easy


