penpen (penpen) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

At 3 months, baby begins to transition from a newborn and by 4 months, many noticeable developmental milestones are beginning to appear. Some of the information below covers a range of developmental milestones that span the period of 2 to 6 months. Baby development is continual and each little one has his or her own pace, so read on for more information about this wonderful time in baby's life.

Vision: Baby's eye muscles are stronger and the “cross-eyed” effect is disappearing. Babies this age can track objects in motion. Beginning around 4 months, baby's vision will coordinate both eyes together, which leads to the beginning of depth perception.




penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Touch: Beginning around 4-6 months, babies explore using not only their hands but also their mouths. Babies put everything in their mouths because this is an effective way for them to explore their environment and learn about it.

Vision: Baby is now able to follow an object with his eyes to 180°, as far as his head turns. Baby’s focus has improved and he is able to see at greater distances now. More colors continue to become visible. Eye contact with others begins and baby will begin to mimic facial expressions.

Touch: Baby will deliberately reach for objects at 3 months of age and is developing head and neck control. Baby may begin rolling from side to side at this age as well.





penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Hearing: Baby enjoys listening to music. Baby may become distracted by noises in the environment at 3 months.

Taste: Visible communication skills are beginning to emerge. Baby may be heard making an ahh sound deliberately. Baby will vary her cries and her cries begin to have meaning.

What You Can Do:
With close supervision, use a tummy time mat or playmat on the floor. Place a colorful toy or a toy that makes an interesting sound in front of baby to encourage him to lift his head. This exercise time helps baby build neck and shoulder strength.
Keep tummy time sessions brief if baby is fussy, but continue to repeat daily.
Allow baby to grasp your finger or reach to touch your face.






penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

5 Clever Social Media Campaigns To Learn From

This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business.

You don’t have to be in the market for a Super Bowl ad to learn from the world’s biggest marketers. In fact, as a quick trip to Facebook illustrates, social media has a leveling effect: Whether you’re Coca-Cola or Jones Soda, your Facebook Page looks pretty much the same. Coke’s billions won’t buy a dedicated wing on Twitter, either.



この記事は、もともとAmerican Express OPEN Forumに投稿されたものです。Mashable は、このフォーラムに、小企業におけるソーシャルメディアと技術の活用法について、定期的に記事を掲載しています。

世界最大のマーケティング集団から学ぼうとして、スーパーボールの広告を買いに行く必要はありません。実際、Facebook を少し使ってみただけでもわかるように、ソーシャルメディアには水平化している印象があります。Coca-Cola派であろうとJones Soda派であろうと、Facebook ページを見ると、ほとんど同じに見えます。Cokeは数十億ドルを出してTwitter の専用背景を購入することもないでしょう。

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

With this in mind, the following social media campaigns from marketers big and small are designed to be idea generators. This isn’t a ranking of the most effective social media campaigns of the year, but rather the ones that have the most to offer an entrepreneur with big ideas and a not-so-big marketing budget.

1. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s Jinx

Last March, the venerable Kraft brand launched an interesting campaign on Twitter: Whenever two people individually used the phrase “mac & cheese” in a tweet, Kraft sent both a link pointing out the “Mac & Jinx” (as in the childhood game Jinx.) The first one to reply back got five free boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese plus a t-shirt.



1. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese’s Jinx
昨年3月、老舗店Kraftが、Twitter上で興味深いキャンペーンを打ち出しました。: “mac & cheese”というフレーズをツイートした2人に、Kraftは “Mac & Jinx”サイトのリンクを送る(子供のゲームJinxの名を冠して)。先にリンクをクリックして返信した方には、Kraft のMac & Cheese5箱とTシャツが贈呈される、というもの。

penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Wonderful day makes me feel so happy that my face is numb!
So many places and people to meet, now that I've lost my job!
They say Young man, the world's your oyster
Just give me second.
I don't know why but today seems like it's gonna be a great day!
I should spend more time with my kids!
It's carpe diem, gotta seize the day, I'm gonna move to Spain and run with the bulls
And my wife and boss and kids and parents will say "We were wrong about you Dennis"
Something today makes me feel fine and fancy-free
Much of the ocean is still unexplored, how did I get up in this tree?
Any problem is solvable, we can feed the hungry and cure disease
But all of that would be a huge waste of time because we live in the matrix.



penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Richard has spent his career thinking about these problems. He’s given it 30 years. And I gave it just a few minutes. Now, certainly he can be wrong and I could be right, but it’s better to think deeply about something first before being so certain you’re right.

There’s also a difference between asking questions and pushing back. Pushing back means you already think you know. Asking questions means you want to know. Ask more questions.

Learning to think first rather than react quick is a life long pursuit. It’s tough. I still get hot sometimes when I shouldn’t. But I’m really enjoying all the benefits of getting better.





penpen English → Japanese
Original Text

Product introduction
This machine has a beautiful new, easily adjustable,easy to use,the pressure balance and stability,quality,reliable,simple,lightweight footprint small,the pressure balance and stability, stamping corner clear. And compared to similar products on the market,more stable,more secure service.
This machine is major used for:Printing or hot stamping your own design,logo,pattern or texts on paper,leather,plastic,cloth,PVC cards,ect,with excellent hot foil stamping effect.
You can develop your creation by this machine, it can made your dream come true.

☆1.Install the foil paper.(For more detail,please refer to the diagram.Also.clients can cut.)
☆2.Then adjust the temperature into 100 degree



penpen English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Use of the machine
1.Have the bronzing machine connected eith DC,rotate the temperature adjustment knob to set the temoerature of 100℃,and then turn on the power switch.
2.Put the bronzing substances on the bronzing table,and then adjust the location ruler of the bronzing table to make the bronzing substances placed on the proper location of the heat conductive rudder or electric aluminum template with the bronzing surface facing up.

☆First cut the adhesive pare in the size which you need.Tear off the back paper(white)
then stick the high-temperature adhesive paper(yellow) onto the stamping plate.
Insert the material which need to be stamp, then pull the handle. And it done.




penpen English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

5.Pressure and bronzing time:The too dark bronzing lines indicate that surface pressure is too large, while the too light even incomplete bronzing lines suggest that the surface pressure is too small; and if the bronzing time is too long, the bronzing coloring will be beyond the mark, even become indistinct, while if the bronzing time is too short,the coloring will not be uniform.The smooth surface of prints requires a smaller pressure and a shorter bronzing time, while the rough surface of prints requires a larger pressure and a longer bronzing time

☆1.To stack the foil paper on the paper stand with the colorful surface 1 acing up.Move the foil paper along the clock direction.



*1 箔紙をペーパースタンドに保管する際には、色のついた面を上にしてください。箔紙を時計回りに動かしてください。

penpen English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

4. When the temperature control indicator light becomes green,use hands to move the handle to make the surface of the heat conductive rubber or electric aluminum template contacted fully with the surface of the bronzing substance.The required temperature varied from the different bronzing papers, if the temperature is too high,the boundary of the colored lines may be beyond the mark,even become indistinct, while if the temperature is not enough high, the coloring may not be uniform.For this arrangement,the temperature shall be adjusted according to the bronzing effect
☆2.Move around the lower end of the front location road and cross over the bronzing table.Then move round the lower end of the front location rod


