Nyama Baby (nyamababy) Translations

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Over 11 years ago Female 30s
Tagalog (Native) English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nyamababy Japanese → English
Original Text

13. DHL等の運送会社と契約していますか?もし契約していれば、発送時に関税・内国消費税の支払人を指定できます。つまり、私がそれらの費用を立て替えず、あなたが直接支払うことができます。

14. 「一度試験的に1箱だけ私に送る」とのことですが、特に何か書類等は必要ないのですか?私がDHLに尋ねたところ、「必要ない」とのことでしたが、もし今後毎週20台のプレーヤーを日本送るなら、通関時に私が何か手続きをしなければならないかもしれません。その際の費用はあなたがお支払して頂けますか?


13. Do you have an agreement with DHL and other freight companies for sending the parcel? If so, I believe that you can have an arrangement with regards to the payment for the customs and consumption tax during the shipment. In other words, I believe that I don't have to make the initial payment and it has to be done directly on your behalf.

14. I believe you have mentioned that I should try sending one parcel for trial, but I want to know if I should prepare any necessary documents to make it happen. I tried inquiring with DHL about this matter, and they told me that I do not need to prepare any documents. However, if I should send 20 units of DVD players to Japan, I may need to process something for the customers. Are you going to shoulder the expense for that transaction?