Oregonian (noppy) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

Why (Almost) Every Startup Should Be Working From Home

Marissa Mayer may have decided that working from home doesn’t work anymore for Yahoo, but that doesn’t mean that working from home isn’t the best option out there for some tech companies. And for startups it seems like a no-brainer. Here’s why:

No rent, no utilities. This is big, obvious reason that everyone should already know: if your team works from home, you don’t have to rent office space or pay for anything like heat, internet connections, electricity, phone lines, or anything else like that. There’s a big expense that just vanished from your budget. Poof!



Yahooにおいて、自宅から働くことが意味のないことだと、Marissa Mayer氏は結論づけたかもしれない。けれども、いくつかのテック系企業にとって、自宅から働くことが最適ではない、という結論を急ぐのはまだ早い。とりわけスタートアップにとってはなおさらだ。理由を述べよう。


noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

At the end of the day, you can avoid most of the problems associated with working from home by just hiring a trustworthy team that’s actually motivated to help you build the company. And guess what: if you’re planning to do a startup that’s the kind of team you should be building anyway. Working from home saves you money, makes workers happier, and allows you to broaden your searches for talent and to spread more easily and cheaply into new markets. As I see it, that’s a win-win-win-win. Unless there’s some reason you absolutely need to be in an office (and yes, there are some companies that really do need that for one reason or another), why would you be?



noppy English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

As a tangential side note, some of you may have read that employees are better off at work because they’re less likely to be promoted from home. The study that indicates that, however, was conducted at a very large Chinese company. Chinese business culture places a lot of importance on personal relationships, so it’s little surprise that “being there” means a lot at a Chinese company, but this shouldn’t mean very much to startups one way or the other. You should be striving to build your own workplace culture, and if everybody’s working from home, then nobody gets left out of promotions because of it anyway.

(CORRECTION: Fixed “Marissa” after initially writing “Melissa”).




noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

A journalist friend of mine uses BBM every day, mainly because of the journalist’s BBM groups. Inside the group, they can get the latest news tips and other helpful information like sources’ contact info from colleagues and other journalists. A salesperson and an online merchant use it every day to communicate with their customers, as well as for advertising their products through BBM. Another friend of mine who works in an office uses BBM for business communication purposes.

They all tell me that their friends inside the same profession are using Blackberry phones for work. Even those who did not use Blackberry at first would eventually be forced to buy one to support their job.




noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

The allure of Android

So what will happen? The new Blackberry Z10 in Indonesia is battling against the Samsung Galaxy S3 (soon to be the S4, which will be launched later this month) and iPhone 5 for the country’s wealthier users. But they’re the minority of the populace here anyway. The majority of the population, who are in the lower-income demographic,would opt to purchase more affordable Android devices because they see that the OS, together with its apps’ ecosystem and games, outperforms Blackberry handsets in the same price range. Or perhaps they’ll buy older Blackberry models since there’s nothing for BB10 available at the usual cheap prices of below $200.



これから何が起きるのだろうか?インドネシアの新しいBlackberry Z10は、富裕層の獲得に向け、SamsungのGalaxy S3(今月後半にはS4になる)、そしてiPhone 5と格闘している。でも人口全体で見れば彼らはマイノリティだ。人口の大半を占める低所得者層は、もっと手に入れやすいAndroid端末を選択するだろう。なぜなら、Androidとその周辺アプリのエコシステム、そしてゲームを持ってすれば、同じ価格帯のBlackberry端末よりも遙かによいものとわかっているからだ。もしくは、もっと古いBlackberryの端末を、いつものお買い得な200ドル以下の値段で買うかもしれない。どうせBB10にはまだ何もないのだから。