nono (nono) Translations

ID Verified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
Medical fashion Culture
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nono English → Japanese
Original Text

Compatible with your needs, possibilities and desires, you can attend the show in person or you can send the work that will represent you. In this case, the work will be sent at your care to the location of Torre Branca where it will be guarded with the utmost care and security, because the structure is under a security service and is accessed with a lift conducted only by security staff. It will be on my and Carlo's care, in case you are not present, to represent you and your work. For your personal discretion, you can send your work with advertising materials to represent you (brochures, catalogs, business cards) that will be made available to the public.


あなたのニーズ、可能性、ご希望等に一致いたしましたので、個人での展示会への参加あるいはあなたの代表作の出品が可能です。Torre Brancaの会場は細心の注意とセキュリティで守られており、セキュリティサービスの管理の下、エレベーターはセキュリティスタッフ以外は操作を行うことができないため、作品を出品される場合は、あなたの責任において会場まで届けていただくこととなります。あなたが会場にいらっしゃれない場合には、あなたやその作品に関する説明は私とCarloにお任せください。あなたご自身のご判断で、作品と一緒に(あなたの代わりとなる)広告材(パンフレット、カタログ、名刺)をお送りいただくことも可能です。広告材は一般に公開されます。

nono English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, thank you very much for your interest in my items. We would be more than happy to help supply you items to Japan however you will need to give me a list of what you need in the future so I can tell you the prices. As most of my items are used the prices vary heavily but if you're going to buy in quantity I can definitely give you better pricing. If you want I can sell you both of these wedges for $375 including shipping to Sarasota. I have a lot of interest in them and think they will at least get this much if not more, let me know if this works for you and I will send you an invoice and close the auction. Thank you and I look forward to doing business with you in the future.



nono English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear yamahaya88102012,

I never received a response to the two messages I sent after the auction ended. I was completely ignored, and that was rude. Then when I received the item, it was not packed as it shows in the description in your auction. The item was simply wrapped in bubble wrap and put in a padded envelope. There was no shipping box to protect it from being sent overseas. The auction also states it is a "new" item. It was NOT new. it was in a worn box, that was open on both ends. That is NOT "new". I still want this item, even if it is not what I was expecting, but the fact of the matter is that as a seller, you did not follow through with what was shown and stated in your auction,


