The button located in the center usually makes people imagine that it’s an “Enter button” so I wish the function “Return” was not allocated for this button.It will be convenient if the photo will be displayed while the shutter button is pressed like Canon’s digital compact camera, when the auto-view is turned off after the shooting. (I turn off the auto-view because I don’t want to miss the best photo opportunity.)It takes time for me to adjust the zoom magnification to the angle of view I wish so I also expect this to be improved.[Battery]
It doesn’t last that long so I feel uncomfortable if I don’t carry around a spare battery with me.It only takes battery with an authentication feature so you have to buy an original battery at this moment which is expensive.Also, the battery for FZ7 and FT1 is not compatible so it’s very inconvenient. I expect to use the same battery if I am using the same manufacturer’s compact digital camera.[General Comments]
My criteria for selecting compact digital camera was, a camera with a high magnification zoom, relatively-small in size, and able to shoot HD video using optical zoom delivering image quality which can be satisfied. Based on above, FZ7 will be the one I can recommend among the current model.By the way, I won’t review about the Face-Recognition function since I have no interest and I’m not using it. Instead of enhancing these functions, I would like the manufacturer to dedicate more time into development of strengthen the essential function of the digital camera, such as noise reduction at the high sensitivity range and dynamic range improvement.
[Portability] You can’t expect portability to a camera which is equipped with a12x zoom and a battery which supports video recording. It’s appropriate, considering the size which is large enough and the odd-shaped design.[LCD] I was impressed. I was captivated by the clarity and the brightness when first saw it at the store. It displays images way better than the PC and the TV.[Grip] It is easy to hold. You can prevent the camera from shaking than before. It fits well in your hand and happy to carry around.[Others] The slide-show function with the music was one of the function my family really enjoyed.
I purchased blue from Kitamura as a substitute camera for my DSLR.It was my first Panasonic digital camera. I was a bit confused how to select functions from the menu screen. It may simply be a matter of unfamiliarity but I was uncomfortable with the location of the buttons.The lens which is relatively-large seems to deliver excellent descriptive performance. It seems that the camera can also handle manual settings based on the instructions manual. You can enjoy multiple functions if you forget about the action mode and take photos properly engaging with each shot. I believe it’s a model you can be satisfied based on the purchased price, with its video recording capability. My first impression is like this.
機能ではなく処理のことです。私のPCはNorthwood Pen4の2.8GHzのCPUに2GのDual Chメモリーと、明らかに前の時代のものですが、付属のPHOTOfunSTUDIO HD Editionでなんの問題もなくプレビューでき、カット編集および書き込み出来ます。MPEG2へ変換してのDVD作成もちょっと時間はかかりますが問題なしです。このソフトではAVCHDからの静止画書き出しが出来ないのが少々残念ですが。[バッテリー]
I mean the processing, but not the function.My PC has a Pentium 4 "Northwood” with 2.8GHz CPU and a Dual-channel memory which is obviously the style of a decade ago. However, I was able to preview, cut and edit images and add texts using the attached PHOTOfunSTUDIO HD Edition software without a problem. It takes time making DVD when the data was converted into MPEG-2 but it can also be done without a problem. It’s too bad that you can’t cut out a still image out from the AVCHD with this software.[Battery]
みなさんご指摘されてる通りズーム&シャッターボタンを操作する時 (特にズーム操作)にモードダイヤルが勝手に回る時があります。 これも慣れでしょうけど… 動画のボタンは特に違和感なかったです。・バッテリー あまり持ちは良くないような。 交換用のバッテリーがほしいですね。旅行には充電器を忘れないようにしないと。・携帯性 現時点では高倍率ズーム機に携帯性を望むものではないと思います。
When you operate the zoom and the shutter button (especially the zoom), the mode dial sometimes move spontaneously.It may simply be a matter of unfamiliarity, but …I had no particular problem with the movie button.[Battery]It doesn’t seem to last long.You should better prepare a spare battery. I should remember bringing the battery charger when traveling.[Portability]You must not expect portability for a high-power zoom camera at this moment.
今までFUJIのF30を使っていた事から、バッテリーの弱さが特に気になりました。動画撮影時には驚くほどの速さで消耗する為、早速予備バッテリーを購入した次第です。私はMACユーザーですが、付属CD-ROMがWINのみの対応になっており別途ソフトを用意しないとAVCHD LightがPC上で使えない点もマイナスです。メーカーはもう少しユーザーの環境を考えても良いのではと思いました。
I was especially concerned about how weak the battery was, since I was using Fuji F30 before.Since the battery drained with an amazing speed while shooting video, I had to buy a spare battery right away.I’m a Mac user but the bundled CD-ROM was only compatible with Windows so I had to prepare different software to play AVCHD Light on my PC which was a disadvantage.I believe the manufacturers should consider a little more about the usage environment of the users.
However, as for a compact digital camera, it is equipped with 25-300mm zoom which can broaden your scope of photography and let you enjoy shooting during the day time. There is a limitation for the shutter speed so you can’t use it for taking beautiful night scene at ISO 100. (The shutter can be released opened in the following sequence: 15, 30, 60 sec, but it may not be practical.)I may be a tough marker since I had too many expectations on this camera, but I think it’s suitable for taking snapshots.
In emerging markets, cost is relatively more important than brand value or even cutting-edge technology. But when companies like Xiaomi are aggressively offering top-of-the-line features of phones from Samsung and Apple at half price or less, consumers are more than glad. In the second quarter of 2014, Xiaomi took the lead in China with 15 million smartphones with a market share of 15 percent – ahead of Samsung’s 12 percent, shipping 13.2 million units, the Fitch report noted. Data from Canalys for the same period confirms that Xiaomi is now China’s top smartphone brand, a mere three years after it launched its first ever phone.
新興成長市場では、ブランド価値や先端技術よりも価格のほうが比較的重要視されている。しかし、Xiaomiのような企業がSamsungやAppleのハイエンド機種に搭載されているスマートフォン機能を半値かそれ以下で積極的に提供すれば、それはそれで消費者にとっては有難いことだ。Fitch のレポートによると、Xiaomi は、2014年の第二四半期に中国で1500万台のスマートフォンを出荷し15%のマーケットシェアを獲得し、1320万台出荷し12%のシェアを獲得したSamsungを上回った。Canalysが発表した同じ期間のデータからも、現在Xiaomiは、最初のスマートフォンをローンチしてたった3年で、中国におけるスマートフォンのトップブランドになったことが確認できる。
Xiaomi leaps over Samsung, is now China’s biggest smartphone brandNew figures from research firm Canalys show that Xiaomi’s rise seems unstoppable. In new numbers for Q2 2014, Xiaomi has leap-frogged Samsung (005930:KS) to become China biggest smartphone brand in terms of shipments – that’s up from Xiaomi’s third place in Q1 when it trailed Samsung (1st) and Lenovo (2nd). Xiaomi has 14 percent market share of smartphone shipments in Q2, says Canalys, while Samsung, Lenovo (HKG:0992), and Coolpad (HKG:2369) are tied for second place with 12 percent apiece. Huawei trails with 11 percent (hat-tip to WSJ for spotting this). Here’s the chart for market share:
XiaomiはSamsungを抜き、現在中国最大のスマートフォンブランドだリサーチ会社のCanalysが発表した新しいデータが示すよう、Xiaomiの躍進は止まらないようだ。2014年第二四半期の新しい数字によると、XiaomiはSamsung (005930:KS)をあっさり抜いて出荷ベースで中国最大のスマートフォンブランドになった。第一四半期は、Samsung(1位)とLenovo(2位) に続きXiaomi は3位だったが、そこからの躍進だ。Canalysによると、第二四半期のスマートフォンのマーケットシェアを出荷ベースで見ると14%のXiaomiに対して、Samsung、Lenovo (HKG:0992)そしてCoolpad (HKG:2369)は、それぞれ12%で同率2位だ。Huaweiは11%で追っている(この題材に目をつけたWSJに感謝)。こちらが、マーケットシェアの表だ:
How is Xiaomi doing it? Mostly it’s done on price. Xiaomi’s flagship Mi3 phone – soon to be replaced by the Mi4 – has specs comparable to the Samsung Galaxy S5 at less than half the price. The hardware quality is comparable, and some would even say that Xiaomi’s flavor of Android is better than Samsung’s. The average price of a new Android phone in China is a mere US$233. Xiaomi’s Mi3 starts at RMB 1,499 (US$243), which puts it right in the sweet spot in terms of how much the populace wants to pay for a new device.
Xiaomiの戦略は?主に価格で行っている。間もなく後継機種のMi4がリリースされるXiaomiのフラッグシップ機種のMi3に関して言えば、スペック的にはSamsung Galaxy S5に匹敵するが、価格は半額だ。ハードウェアの品質は同等で、XiaomiのAndroid版の方がSamsungより良いとさえ言っている人もいる。中国の新しいAndroidフォンの平均価格はたった233米ドルだ。XiaomiのMi3は1,499人民元(243米ドル)から価格が設定されており、消費者が新しいデバイスに対して払ってもいいと思う希望購入価格帯を見事についている。
Xiaomi sold 26.1 million smartphones in first half of 2014 and is aiming at a total of 60 million this year. It’s only once we get actual sales figures direct from Xiaomi and Samsung that we’ll see who’s ahead in this fierce battle for the China market.
Xiaomiは2014年の半年で2610万台のスマートフォンを販売しており、年末までにトータルで6000万台販売することを目指している。直接Xiaomi やSamsungから実際の販売数を入手できる機会は一回しかないが、中国市場の激戦でどちらが優勢に立っているか直に分かるだろう。
Alibaba forays into gaming by investing US$120M in KabamThe investment will net the internet giant a seat on Kabam’s board and the rights to publish its mobile games in ChinaAlibaba has invested US$120 million in San Francisco-based Kabam (via Wall Street Journal), a game studio that is focussed on the free-to-play market for core gamers. This enables the Chinese company to have a seat on the game studio’s board, as well as the rights to publish its many fantasy-themed games in the Chinese mobile market via Alibaba’s apps such as Taobao (retail) and Laiwang (chat app).
Alibabaは、Kabamに1.2億米ドル資金提供しゲーム分野に進出インターネット大手のAlibabaは、Kabamの取締役会への参加と中国でのモバイルゲームの発売権を資金提供によって手に入れた。Alibabaは、サンフランシスコに本拠を置くKabam(Wall Street Journalによると)に1.2億米ドルの資金提供を行った。同社は、ゲームオタク向けの無料マーケット用ゲームを主に開発している。これによって中国企業が、ゲーム開発会社の取締役会の椅子を確保し、またAlibabaのTaobao(小売)やLaiwang(チャットアプリ)等のアプリ経由で、ファンタジーをテーマとした多くのゲームを中国のモバイル市場で販売する権利も手に入れた。
Alibaba’s investment in gaming is the same tactic that Chinese online portal giant Tencent used previously. Tencent invested US$231 in Riot Games, the creators of popular multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends, and US$330 million in Epic Games, the folks behind action games like Gears of War and Unreal Tournament.
Alibabaのゲーム分野への投資は、中国のポータル大手Tencentが以前使った戦略と同じだ。Tencentは複数参加型の人気オンライン戦場ゲームLeague of Legendsを開発したRiot Gamesに2.31億米ドル、Gears of WarやUnreal Tournament等のアクションゲームを開発したEpic Gamesに3.3億米ドルの資金提供を行った。
Kabam and Alibaba have yet to disclose any more information concerning the investment. It remains to be seen if Kabam will take extra steps in localising Kingdoms of Camelot for Chinese consumers and work together with Alibaba. Pitching a game using Arthurian legend as its theme can be a hard sell compared to a universal theme like Candy Crush Saga; it’s up to the popularity of Alibaba’s apps to bring in new Chinese players.In a related news, Alibaba will have an initial public offering in September that will raise over US$20 billion for the company.
KabamとAlibabaは、資金提供に関する詳しい情報をいまだ明らかにしていない。KabamがAlibabaに協力し中国のユーザ向けにKingdoms of Camelotのローカライズに手を貸すかどうかは現時点ではまだ不明だ。Candy Crush Sagaのような普遍的テーマのゲームに比べ、アーサー王の伝説を題材にしたゲームを使っての売り込みは難しいため、中国の新たなユーザを獲得できるかどうかは、Alibabaのアプリの人気次第だ。関連ニュースとして、Alibabaは9月に新規株式公開を行い200億米ドル以上の資金を集める見込みだ。
Tencent, New Oriental Have Established an Online Education JVNew Oriental Education & Technology Group, the Chinese behemoth in private education, announced last night (Beijing time) that it had established a joint venture with Chinese Internet giant Tencent on online education. The company is named Weixue Mingri which means micro-learning for tomorrows. Pan Xin, vice president at New Oriental’s online business will be the JV’s CEO and Yu Minhong (aka. Michael Yu), co-founder and chairman of New Oriental, will be the chairman.
TencentとNew Orientalはオンライン教育の合弁会社を設立中国の民間教育大手New Oriental Education & Technology Groupは、中国のインターネット大手Tencentとオンライン教育の合弁会社を設立したことを昨夜(北京時間)発表した。社名は、「将来のマイクロラーニング」を意味するWeixue Mingriと命名された。New Orientalのオンライビジネス部門のVPを務めるPan Xin氏が、合弁会社の最高経営責任者の職に就き、New Orientalの共同設立者のYu Minhong (またの名を Michael Yu)氏が会長に就任する。
The announcement by New Oriental said they would offer content and other educational resources to the JV and Tencent would help with product development and online marketing. The first product by the JV will be released at year end, according to the announcement.Big Chinese Internet companies have entered China’s online education market in a big way. Tencent has built an online courses platform on top of its QQ IM system that its existing users can purchase and enjoy live courses without leaving the chatting service.
New Orientalの発表によると、同社はコンテンツや他の教育に関するリソースを合弁会社に提供し、Tencentは商品開発やオンラインマーケティングの支援を行う予定だ。また発表によると、合弁会社の第一号商品は年末にリリースされる予定だ。中国の大手インターネット企業は、大々的に中国のオンライン教育分野に参入している。Tencentは、オンラインコースのプラットフォームを開発し同社のインスタントメッセンジャーサービスQQのシステムに追加することで、既存ユーザがチャットサービスでそのままライブレッスンのコースを購入したり受講できるようにした。
Besides Tencent, Alibaba launched a Taobao-like marketplace for live courses and educational materials, NetEase launched a language-learning course platform to monetize the 400 million users gained for its free dictionary application, and YY came up with 100.com, which offers courses New Oriental’s offline courses have been making money from for free. New Oriental’s Mr. Yu openly commented that he didn’t think YY’s model would be successful.
Tencentの他に、Alibabaは Taobaoに似たライブコースや教材用のマーケットプレイスをローンチし、NetEaseは、マネタイズの対象となる無料辞書アプリを利用している4億人のユーザー向けに語学学習コースをローンチし、またYY は、New Oriental が有料で提供しているコースを100.comで無料で提供している。New OrientalのYu氏は、YYの事業モデルが成功するとは思わなかったと素直にコメントした。
WeChat will beta test new features quite frequently, but there’s good reason to believe that these visible metrics will be here to stay. Businesses in China use WeChat’s subscription accounts for marketing, and making these figures visible to the public means that social media teams can compare their content’s performance compared to that of the competition (that wouldn’t be possible if WeChat only provided these analytics privately). Media organizations can do the same to assess the popularity of their work. In addition, casual observers – people like you and me, for example – can look at an article and immediately know how popular it is and how many people “liked” it. That’s kind of cool.