Nao (naokey1113) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

After the end of the final episode of the second series, Moffat and Gatiss both announced on Twitter that a third series had been commissioned at the same time as series two,[60] and a part of the resolution to "The Reichenbach Fall" was filmed concurrently with series two.[58] Production was originally set to begin in January 2013, but due to 'availability reasons' the filming of series three was pushed back to March 2013.
Martin Freeman said in an interview filming would begin on 18 March.[62] Gatiss has confirmed that he will write the first episode of the third series, and that it would be 'loosely based' on "The Adventure of the Empty House", in which Conan Doyle revealed that Holmes had faked his death


シリーズ2の最終回終了後、モファットとガティスは、シリーズ3はシリーズ2と同時に製作を依頼されていたこと[60]、 また"ライヘンバッハの滝"の一部がシリーズ2と並行して撮影されていたことをTwitterで発表した。[58]製作はもともと2013年1月に開始する予定だったが、実行上の理由でシリーズ3の撮影は2013年3月に延期された。
マーティン・フリーマンは、3月18日に撮影が開始するとインタビューの中で述べている。[62] ガティスはシーズン3の最初のエピソードを書くことを公言しており、それは「空き家の冒険」というコナン・ドイルがホームズの死が偽りであったことを暴くストーリーに部分的に基づいたものになると言う。

naokey1113 Japanese → English
Original Text


・競合他社のマーケットでの販売価格 卸売価格 月間販売数 販売先 流通ルートを調査してください。



First of all, we launch a business to sell non-alcoholic beers.

What you are required to do from now on
-Understand the current market situation to sell the products.
-Please research what would be obstacles: What is needed to import non-alcoholic beverages from Japan? Is any certification required?
-Please investigate competitors in the market regarding in retail prices, wholesale prices, the number of bottles they sell monthly, clients and distribution channels.

Throughout those researches, please give me your suggestions which you think would be the best including the following perspectives.
-To whom we sell (clients)
-How we sell (distribution channels)
-At what prices we sell (retail price and wholesale price)
-How much we sell (the number of products)

naokey1113 Japanese → English
Original Text

今年のイーベイセラーの規定の一つに50ピクセル以上、多くの画像をアップすることが発表されました。 先ず50ピクセル以下の画像をアップするとイーベイから出品を取り下げられます。また、現在出品されている商品も順次再出品が出来なくなります。




As a part of the regulation for eBay sellers announced this year, they are going to be required to upload a picture which is larger than 50 pixels. If they upload a smaller picture than 50 pixels, they will be obliged to dismiss items by eBay. Also, it will be applicable to items already placed on eBay and the sellers won't be allowed to place the same items again.
Besides, if they upload only a few pictures, their items won't appear on the top of search results.

Thus, pictures you uploaded to the merchant page this time are insufficient in terms of the number of pixels and the number of pictures uploaded and it would give you an unfavorable impact on selling items.

It won't be effective anymore to copy pictures from other sellers' pages on eBay for selling items.

naokey1113 Japanese → English
Original Text



Based on the domestic contract base, we make a contract with A directly with a document written in Japanese. We submit a contract document translated in English to B for their confirmation. Most of works are in Japanese language and are scheduled to be released in Japanese market. At this moment, release to overeas is not planned yet, but we are planning to sell works created in English in digital versions. We are able to release works at branches in about ○ countries. Release of degital versions is planned in advance to start of selling works. We are going to discuss about how to proceed fliming as soon as the budget is decided. The schedule is tentative because it depends on how much we can film during he or she is in Japan. A period of filiming is written in blue. After he or she leaves Japan, we will film the rest and finalize by exchanging data.