TOMO (nakazima) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 14 years ago
English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nakazima English → Japanese
Original Text

The strategy received a major setback last year when banking
giant HSBC pulled out of an $8 billion deal to buy Old Mutual's
majority stake in Nedbank NEDJ.J, South Africa's fourth
biggest lender.

Julian Roberts said the company was now working on improving Nedbank's performance, but declined to comment on whether it still intended to sell the business.

"It's very much a focus on improving the returns for the business," he told reporters on a conference call.
Selling Nedbank to HSBC, seen as the most important part of
Old Mutual's simplification strategy, would have freed the
company to focus on life insurance and asset management, and its
failure came as a disappointment to shareholders.





nakazima English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi your item has been shipped out today. Sorry for the delay. There was a problem you were quoted the wrong airmail price. The package weighed over 2kg which is the limit for standard UK airmail. It was not possible to reduce the weight of the package and keep the item well packed. It cost me £55.99 to ship your package so you are a winner as i have paid this. Tracking number is CP 685 193 549 GB. You were charged £12.50 for standard airmail for which there would have been no tracking number. So package is shipped and could take upto 6 days. I would appreciate you end the dispute as i am already losing alot of money already unless you would like to pay the extra shipping costs.


こんにちは、今日あなたの商品は発送されました。遅れてしまって申し訳ありません。ここで、加算された航空輸送運賃の件で問題があります。商品はイギリス航空便の重量制限である2kg超えていました。しかし、工夫して商品の重量を減らすことも出来ませんでしたので、送るのに55.99ユーロ掛かってしまい、私は損してしまいました。追跡番号はCP 685 193 549 GBです。追跡番号がなければ12.50ユーロが余分に掛かってしまいますので、気をつけてください。それで商品は届くまでに6日は費やしてしまいます。あなたが追加航空運賃を払ってくれるのでなければ、私は多額の金額を失ってしまいます。あなたのご好意を期待します。