長野光洋 (nagano0124) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Lucky Prawn curates a selection of innovative and delicious products that is released as a quarterly package.
Each Prawn Pack includes limited edition artist objects, hard-to-find products, something audible and maybe even something edible.
Singing praise to the world of contemporary small-scale production, Lucky Prawn cheers on creative communities, paying well-earned homage to their works and wares.
Whilst the content of The Prawn Pack remains largely secret, shareholders can be assured of a high level of quality and artistic merit.
When you bite into a Prawn, there’s no hiding from the fact that the shit-shoot might still be lingering. When engaging a Lucky Prawn this is simply not the case.


Lucky Prawnは革新的で素晴らしい商品のセレクション4点セットを販売しています。
どのPrawn Packにも限定の美術品、レアな一品、そして聴くことのできる物、またあるいは食べられる物すら入っています。
世界中の小規模なクリエーターに賞賛を、Lucky Prawnはクリエイティブなコミュニティにエールと、彼らの商品に大いなる尊敬を払います。
Prawn Packの中身は秘密ですが、その高いクオリティーと芸術的な価値は保証します。
君がPrawnにかじり付いたら、長く続くショックから隠れるところは無い。もしLucky Prawnに興味を持ったら、そうならないけど。

nagano0124 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Planning to get the new “iPhone 5C” when it goes on sale this fall? Well, you’ll want a good case to protect its smooth, plastic back from getting all scratched up, and Amazon already has you covered. Elago Design has begun taking pre-orders for its $24.99 slim fit case, which will ship on August 23.

That’s likely to be weeks before the iPhone 5C (if that is its real name) goes on sale, so be prepared to get impatient every time you see the case sit there on your desk with nothing inside it. Also bear in mind that this design hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, so you could end up with a case that doesn’t fit the iPhone 5C properly.


秋に予定されている、新しいiPhone 5Cの入手を検討されていますか?きっと、プラスチックで作られた滑らかな背面を傷から守る為のケースが必要になってくると思いますが、アマゾンにはすでに準備があります。Elagoデザインは24.99ドルのスリムで大きさもぴったりなケースの予約を受け付けており、発送予定は8月23日になっております。

これはiPhone 5C(これが正式名になるとして)の発売数週間前になり、デスクに置かれた空のまま待っているそのケースを見るたびに、わくわくしてくるでしょう。ただ、忘れないで頂きたいのは、このデザインは公式の認証をまだ受けていないので、iPhone 5Cにぴったり収まらないで終わることがあるかもしれません。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

While Apple may make product specifications available to a select few manufacturers ahead of a major launch, some smaller companies simply build accessories based on rumors in a bid to be first to market with their products. That’s likely to be the case here.

If that doesn’t put you off, the Elago Design cases are available in black, white, and indigo, and all come with an “HD Professional Extreme” screen protector.

“Our new S5C Slim Fit 2 case for the iPhone 5C lets you protect and cover your phone in style! The case was molded to fit perfectly and allows easy, full access to all buttons and ports on your device,” the Amazon listing reads.




"私達のiPhone 5Cのための新しいS5Cスリムフィット2ケースは、スタイリッシュにあなたのiPhoneを保護します!完璧にフィットし、ボタンやディスプレイのあらゆる場所の邪魔にならないようデザインされています"アマゾンの説明文より。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple today released the fourth beta of iOS 7, which begins a number of improvements, changes, and bug fixes to the operating system, including a designed lockscreen, Notification Center improvements, an updated look for Safari’s bookmark menu, and more.

iOS 7 beta 4 also brings a slew of minor interface tweaks and improvements that make the fourth version of the beta feel both faster and more polished. Our forum members have noted multiple enhancements that have been bundled into the release:

Lockscreen - Slide to Unlock has been updated with a shifting highlight color and an arrow that draw attention to the area on the lockscreen. The arrow that denoted the Notification Center is now a line shape.




ロックスクリーン - ロック解除のスライドがアップデートされ、色が反転し、よりロックスクリーン内のエリアが分かりやすい矢印になりました。通知センターをあらわしていた矢印は今度は、ライン状になっています。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Mail - Swiping to delete inbox messages from the Mail app is quicker thanks to a smoother delete animation that eliminates slight lag.

Notification Center - The different sections of the Notification Center can now be switched between by swiping left and right. There is also a new notification for completed uploads.

AirPlay - There are new AirPlay icons.

Siri - Siri’s help menu now includes suggestions for question and answer queries.

Apps - The camera includes a relocated HDR button and the Reminders app now offers Search functionality.

Icons - Safari and Mail appear to have slightly tweaked gradient designs.

Folders - The fade animation for folders located in the dock has been updated to function properly.


メール - タイムラグのないスムーズな削除アニメーションのおかげで、画面をなでるだけで受信メールボックスをすばやく削除できます。

通知センター - 通知センターが左から右へなぞることで表示できるようになりました。またアップロード完了通知も出るようになりました。

AirPlay - AirPlayのアイコンが新しく表示されるようになりました。

Siri - SiriのヘルプメニューにQ&Aが追加されました。

アプリ - カメラではHDRボタンの場所が変更され、リマインダーには検索機能がつきました。

アイコン - Safariとメールのアイコンは少し傾いたデザインになりました。

フォルダー - ドックにフォルダーを配置する際のフェードアニメーションを、正確にするためにアップデートが行われました。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Phone - The Call button has been slightly altered to take up less of the phone’s screen and the Answer/Decline buttons have also been updated.

Messages - Messages app now uses the first name and last initial of a contact in a chat conversation rather than the full name.

Search - The iPhone’s search functionality (initiated with a downward swipe on the screen) now includes a "Cancel" option.

Safari - Buttons for Bookmarks, Shared Links, and Reading List have been redesigned with icons rather than labels.

Screenshot API - As noted by 9to5Mac, iOS 7 Beta 4 includes a new screenshot detection API that solves an issue preventing Snapchat from detecting screenshots.


電話 - 発信ボタンは電話の画面から少し目立たなくする変更が加えられ、応答・拒否ボタンもアップデートされました。

メッセージ - メッセージアプリは、ファーストネームとラストネームのイニシャルだけで使えるようになりました。

検索 - iPhoneの検索機能(swipeを画面上にダウンロードして使える機能)にキャンセル機能がつきました。

Safari - ブックマークボタ、リンクの共有、リーディングリストが、アイコンへデザインされなおしました。

スクリーンショットAPI - 9to5Macで見られたように、iOS7のベータ版4弾にも新しいスクリーンショット探知APIが追加され、SnapChatでの問題を解決しています。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

If you have already contacted your bank, and the authorisation has been in place for more than five business days, we can send a request to your bank for these funds to be released. Please reply to this e-mail to give us the following information:

Name of Bank:

Bank Fax number:

Order number:

Your billing address:

A fax number is required to process your request as, unfortunately, we can't contact your financial institution over the phone.

Please be aware that the responsibility for releasing the authorised funds lies solely with your bank and therefore we can't guarantee that the bank will respond to this request.









nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

I can confirm that we haven't charged you for that order.
You may be seeing the card authorization in addition to the charge.
When you place an order with ☆☆ we contact your payment card's issuing bank to confirm that your card has a valid number.
The authorization should be removed from your statement soon.
You can always contact your bank to ask how long they hold authorizations.

Sir, I can assure you that you will be see this chae back into your account within next 5-7 days.

In that case, I can send you an e-mail right now, and you can reply to on it and our billing department will contact our bank.



5~7日以内にchae bankの名前をあなた様の口座で見ることが出来ると保証いたします。


nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

The device appears as a removable drive in My Computer in Windows® computers, and as a mounted volume on Mac® computers.

Open Club Averages > ClubAverageViewer.html to view club statistics.

•Select Local Handicap to enter the number of strokes 
that will be subtracted from the player's total score.
•Select Index\Slope Method to enter the player's handicap index and the course slope rating to calculate a course handicap for the player.
Setting the Hole Handicap 
Before you can score using handicaps, you must enable handicap scoring . 
The Approach displays the default handicap for the hole if it is available. If you want to change it, or if it is incorrect, you can set the hole handicap manually.



クラブの統計を見るにはClub AveragesからClubAverageViewer.htmlを開いてください。


nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Select a player's name to edit it.
Select ◎ to enter the number of strokes for the selected hole.

Select ◎> Set Up Players to edit player handicaps. This selection is only displayed if you have enabled handicap scoring .

Viewing Round Statistics
You can view statistics for the round you are currently playing.

•To view information for all players, select Round Details.
•To view more details about an individual player, select Round Details >◎> Player Details, select a player name, and select a statistic to view. 
About Individual Scorecards 
The individual scorecard features a hole-by-hole overview of a player's round. Four different symbols represent the number of strokes relative to par. A par score has no symbol. 



プレイヤーのハンディキャップを変更するには、◎からSet Up Playersを選択してください。有効なハンディキャップがある場合のみ、この選択肢が表示されます。


・全てのプレイヤーの情報を見るには、Round Detailsを選択してください。
・個人のさらに詳しい情報を見るには、Round Details から◎内のPlayer Detailsを選択し、プレイヤーの名前を選択、見たい合計を選んでください。個人スコアカードについて。個人スコアカードは、プレイヤーのラウンドのホールごとの概算を含んでいます。4種類のシンボルはそれぞれパーと関係のある打数を表しています。パーの場合はシンボルは出ません。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

As SoundScan was announcing that Taylor Swift had once again topped the charts with a new single Wednesday morning, Pitchfork was publishing its first-ever "People's List" of its readers' favorite albums of the last 15 years. Swift's multi-platinum music, of course, was nowhere to be found.

Spoiler alerts are coming at the end of this sentence, so hit the site first if you don't want to ruin the (utter lack of) surprise.

As for women? The only appearance of a female led (or co-led) act in the top 10 is Regine Chassagne of the band Arcade Fire, and in the top 50 only the XX, Beach House and White Stripes feature female members. That's fewer than 10 women among the hundreds of musicians represented. Hmph.




女性はどうだろうか?トップ10に唯一現れる女性のリーダー(あるいは共同リーダー)はバンド、アーケード・ファイアのレジーナ・シャサーニュで、トップ50以内にはThe XX、ビーチハウス、ホワイト・ストライプスに女性メンバーがいる。これだけいるミュージシャンの中で女性は10名にも満たないのだ。なんてこった。