長野光洋 (nagano0124) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

CBGB tells the tale of the famed punk venue and its iconoclastic founder Hilly Kristal, portrayed by Alan Rickman (Harry Potter series) and directed by Randall Miller (Bottle Shock). The film also stars Malin Akerman (The Numbers Station), Ashley Greene (Twilight franchise), Johnny Galecki (The Big Bang Theory), Rupert Grint (Harry Potter franchise), Justin Bartha (The Hangover franchise), Joel David Moore (Avatar), Freddy Rodriguez (Six Feet Under), Stana Katic (Castle) and Taylor Hawkins of the Foo Fighters. With 16 on-camera musical performances, the film features more than 60 classic songs by Talking Heads, Ramones, Blondie, Patti Smith, Iggy Pop, the Police, the Dead Boys and more.


この映画ではパンクの発祥の地CBGBとその型破りなオーナーのHilly Kristalの物語を描く。オーナー役はAlan Rickman (Harry Potterシリーズ)、監督はRandall Miller (Bottle Shock)。またMalin Akerman (The Numbers Station)、Ashley Greene (Twilightシリーズ)、Johnny Galecki (ビッグバンセオリー ギークなボクらの恋愛法則)、Rupert Grint (Harry Potterシリーズ)、Justin Bartha (The Hangoverシリーズ)、Joel David Moore (Avatar)、 Freddy Rodriguez (Six Feet Under)、 Stana Katic (Castle)に加え、バンドFoo FightersのTaylor Hawkinsも出演。映画では16の演奏シーンに加え、60以上のTalking Heads、Ramones、Blondie、Patti Smith、Iggy Pop、the Police、the Dead Boys等の名曲たちをフューチャーしている。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

There was some uncertainty surrounding "Roam The Room," the track that kicks off CITIZEN's new album Youth, according to guitarist Nick Hamm.

"['Roam The Room'] was a song that I had scrapped a while back, but after showing it to Will [Yip, producer], he assured me it should be on the record and it ended up being one of our favorites," Hamm said.

"It was one of the last songs we wrote for Youth. Ironically, it's the first song on the record."

AP and Citizen have paired up today to stream the song and to give you a free download! Listen and grab your download, below, then head to the Run For Cover Records online store to preorder the album!


CITIZENの新しいアルバムYouthの一曲目"Roam The Room"には様々な偶然があった、とギタリストのニック・ハムは語る。

"Roam The Roomは最初ボツにしてたんだけど、ウィル(プロデューサー ウィル・イップ)に聴かせたら、彼は絶対にレコードに入れるべきだと言ったんだ。最終的には僕らの大好きな曲の一つになったよ。"とハムは語る。


APとCitizenは今日、共同でこの曲のストリーム配信、さらにフリーダウンロードを開始!試聴、ダウンロードを是非この機会に。アルバムの予約はRun For Cover Recordsで受付中!

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Mikey Way, former bassist of My Chemical Romance has confirmed via Twitter that he may have new music on the horizon. When asked by a fan if it were true that he had a new band, Way responded cryptically, yet in the affirmative:

Additionally, when Gerard Way was asked what his brother was up to recently, he responded that Mikey was "busy working on awesome stuff."

Way is the final former member of MCR to confirm their post-MCR musical ventures. Ray Toro released a solo song last week, Gerard Way confirmed that he has been busy working on new music and Frank Iero has recently played with both Death Spells and LeATHERMOUTH.



