長野光洋 (nagano0124) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

The band formally announced that they were writing earlier this year. No title or timeframe for record has yet been disclosed. According to the group, they're not likely to self-release the album, as they opted to do with their upcoming TAYF10 Acoustic film and record, but they're "still figuring out" the specifics.

Though this marks Taking Back Sunday's sixth album overall, it will be the third with its current lineup, making John Nolan the first co-vocalist/guitarist to appear on more than two of band's releases. The current, Tell All Your Friends-era lineup reunited in 2010, and released a self-titled album in 2011.


バンドは公式に今年の初めから製作を始めていることを発表した。タイトルや期限などはまだ明かされていない。バンドによると、このアルバムがTAYF10 Acousticのフィルムとレコードのようなセルフ・リリースになる可能性は低いが、まだ彼等自身、詳細は模索中との事。

Taking Back Sundayにとっては6枚目のアルバムになるが、現在のメンバーになってからは3枚目のアルバムになる。これで、最初の共同ボーカリスト/ギタリストのジョン・ノーランがアルバムが2枚以上に参加することになる。バンドの近年の動きは、Tell All Your Friends期のラインナップで2010年に再結成し、2011年にはセルフタイトルのアルバムをリリースした。

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Best known for fronting King Crimson, Belew has contributed to Nine Inch Nails intermittently over the years, including on the band's classic The Downward Spiral. The guitarist was credited by Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor as instrumental in his decision to resurrect the group, when the singer made the announcement back in February. At the time, Nine Inch Nails was set to consist of Eric Avery, Adrian Belew, Alessandro Cortini, Josh Eustis, Ilan Rubin, and Reznor.

Robin Finck was tapped to replace Eric Avery after his departure. No official statement from the band or replacement for Belew has yet been announced.


キング・クリムゾンのフロントマンとして知られるブリューは、断続的ながらも、代表作のThe Downward Spiralなど、ナイン・インチ・ネイルズへ長い間貢献してきた。彼は2月のバンド再結成の発表の際、フロントマンのトレント・レズナーからバンドのメンバーとして迎えられていた。その際のナイン・インチ・ネイルズのメンバーはエリック・アベリー、エイドリアン・ブリュー、アレッサンドロ・コルティーニ、アイラン・ルービン、そしてトレント・レズナー。


nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Currently, NewsLoop has a presence in Singapore, Australia and Indonesia and will continue its efforts to expand regionally in the coming months. However, there are so many news aggregator apps, like Flipboard and Pulse, for instance. How would an app like NewsLoop differentiate itself from its competitors? Alex noted that it is their focus on local content and Asian users that will set them apart from their rivals. “In each country that we roll out NewsLoop, we aggregate the best of local content, from mainstream media to long tail bloggers. We then combine that with global media brands like the BBC or ESPN.



nagano0124 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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What then are the most popular publications in Southeast Asia? Alex noted that big names like Channel News Asia, BBC and ESPN are very popular, but people also enjoy reading content from long-tail bloggers. “We combine major media brands with small bloggers in our 30 news and lifestyle categories. It is all about quality content, so that whenever users open up NewsLoop they see articles they want to read. Another great feature of NewsLoop is that it remembers what you have read so that the next time you open up the app it surfaces articles from your favorite publications. That way you’ll never miss your favourite content.”


東南アジアにおいてもっとも一般的なメディアはなんだろうか?Alex氏によると、Channel News Asia、BBC、また、ESPNなどはもちろん有名だが、人々はロングテール・ブロガー達のコンテンツも大いに楽しんでいるという。「私達は、有名メディアと個人ブロガーたちを、一緒に30のニュースとライフスタイルのカテゴリーに組み込みました。それがコンテンツの質を高めていますし、ユーザーがNewsLoopを開けば、読みたいものは何でも読めます。NewsLoopのもう一つの素晴らしい機能に、今までに読んだものを記録するものがあり、これによって、次回アプリを起動した際に、自動でお気に入りのメディアが表示されます。この機能があれば、お気に入りのコンテンツを見逃すことはありません。」

nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

Though speculators may make up the larger group of the total Bitcoin holders and would like to hoard some waiting for the price go up, the smaller group, Bitfash believes, would like to spend it for goods and services online. And before Bitfash, there was no fashion brands that could be purchased with Bitcoins.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of Bitfash’s customers are male and tech-savvy. But there are also high street consumers. Website visitors by location: 35% from Asia/Oceania(China: 8%), 32% from USA, and 32% from Europe. Most of users are between ages 18-34. Currently the majority of its customers are from the USA and Australia.




nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

“From this moment going forward, you will see more Bitcoin infrastructure come online (which we believe will manifest itself as more efficient exchanges, easy-to-use merchant services, and of course government regulation). This will gradually lead to gains in confidence and hence you will see more people purchasing Bitcoin for personal use and therefore putting upward pressure on the Bitcoin price”, he said.

Bitcoin actually has become a hot topic in China, at least among media. Woods noticed even CCTV, China’s state TV station, broadcast two features, with positive or neutral tone, on Bitcoin in the past month. Some Taobao retailers started accepting it and a few Chinese are mining Bitcoins.




nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

4.If the problem comes from the main device, we could advice our client to post the device back to our company for repair by ordinary post, or we could re-send a new one to our client. If the cost of posting the problematic device back to JIMY is more than the value of a new device, JIMY would take it into consideration, according to the actual status, apply to re-send a completely new device back to our client.
5.If the inferior equipemnt very big or expensive, not convenient to send back by post office, we will give you an appointed Hongkong place, you can send Hongkong first. Jimy will ask a cooperated forwarder to take it back. Jimy will pay all charges from Hongkong to our office.



nagano0124 English → Japanese
Original Text

We will guarantee the quality of our equipment, normally there is no quality problem
1.If there is a deficiency, please email or call us on the reasons, it would be best if this can be dealt with by email or telephone. Because some of the problems are caused by using the machine in a wrong way
2.We suggest the client to take photos of the area where the problem occurs, we will pass them to our technician , our technician will give a satisfactoryanswer within 1-7 working days
3.If the problem comes from the spare part, we could consider in changing the spare part for our client, which could be sent with his/her next order. If the next order is uncertain, we could pay freight cost to send the spare parts

