miffychan Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
English (Native) Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
miffychan Japanese → English
Original Text



Together with his father and brother who came to pick him up from school, he took the mountain trail back home. The house was on high ground, and water had reached the ceiling of the first floor when it was hit by the tsunami. The drawback of the tsunami washed away everything they had, including their furniture. They called his grandmother's name as they searched for her. They found his grandmother and his mother at another shelter. Thankfully, they survived. The house where they had been living normally until that morning had been washed away, and they were shocked and frightened. They are now living in temporary housing. Practice resumed from the middle of April. Smiling adorably, he says that when practice resumed, it felt like he was released from the stress. Currently, debris is being removed from the disaster area, and the land is being cleared.

miffychan Japanese → English
Original Text



I met the president of the Rikuzentakata Kendo Federation, Mr Niinuma Kaoru, when he was still being forced in stay in a tent. 36 families, or 98 people, were living together. 10 months later, they are now living in temporary housing. In the gymnasium where the Chiba Shusuke Kendo Tournament was held, a large number of people had seeked refuge. Many of them were lost when the gymnasium was assaulted by a 16-meter high tsunami that reached the ceiling. Rikuzentaka lost 5 kendo practitioners. At the place Mr Niinuma is pointing was the photo of the last tournament that was in the headquarters. This is the place where the headquarters had been. There is just a large hole where it used to be. Mr Niinuma's house was swept away too.