Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Eventually, VMware pioneered the idea of software virtualization, which enabled IT administrators to render virtual computers, disks, and networks all in software. Riding the power of Moore’s Law, VMware turned physical defined infrastructure into software-defined infrastructure. You can trace the evolution from physical to virtual just by looking at how profit margins flowed from system vendors like Sun to the winers of the software-defined infrastructure age like VMware, Microsoft, Red Hat, and Intel as the de facto CPU standard. VMware moved from virtualized compute to storage (vSAN) and then networking (NSX).


最終的にVMwareは、ソフトウェア・バーチャライゼーションのアイデアで先駆的な役割を果たした。それによりITアドミニストレーターはバーチャルなコンピュータ、ディスク、ネットワークをすべてソフトウェアにレンダーリングすることが可能となった。ムーアの法則の力に乗ることで、VMwareは実体性のあるものが定義するインフラをソフトウェアが定義するインフラに変えた。実体性のあるものからバーチャルなものへの進化の状況は、SunのようなシステムベンダーからVMware、Microsoft、Red Hat、そしてCPUのデファクトスタンダードとしてのIntelなど、ソフトウェアが定義するインフラの勝者に利益マージンが流れたかを見ればトレースすることができる。VMwareは仮想化コンピュータからストレージ(vSAN)へ、そしてネットワーキング(NSX)へと移行した。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

You can move it, you can program it, you can write programs for it. For example, on AWS, everything has an application programming interface (API) and can be programmed: storage, compute, networking, security, etc. Today, developers need to think like IT and operations, and IT administrators must enable developers to make these infrastructure choices and not constrain them. With this rise of devops and cloud, developers are looking for technologies to build, run, and manage their applications that support DDI: If VMware was the platform for the last 15 years, then companies, like Docker, could be the platform for the next 15. In particular, Docker supports:


それの移動、プログラムができるほか、そのためのプログラムを記述することができる。例えばAWS上では、全てのものにはアプリケーション・プログラミング・インターフェース(API)があり、それはプログラム化される(ストレージ、コンピュート、ネットワーキング、セキュリティなど)。今日、デベロッパはITやオペレーションのような思考をしなくてはならない。そして、ITアドミニストレーターはデベロッパに制約を与えるのではなく、彼らがインフラを選択できるようにしなくてはならない。DevOpやクラウドが現れているなか、デベロッパはDDIをサポートするためにアプリケーションを構築、運営、管理する技術を求めている。つまり、VMwareが過去15年間のプラットフォームであるとするならば、 Dockerのような企業は今後15年のプラットフォームとなり得る。Docker が特にサポートしているのは以下の通り。

mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

It’s all about the number of consumers adopting mobile devices. As that number soars, marketers are chasing consumers into mobile markets. Next year, eMarketer estimates, there will be more than 2 billion smartphone users worldwide, more than one-quarter of whom will be in China.

The number of tablet users worldwide is growing more slowly than the global smartphone audience. But tablets will reach more than 1 billion users in 2015. eMarketer said that in many emerging and developing markets, consumers are often accessing the Internet mobile-first and mobile-only, driving marketers to mobile advertising.




mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Israel’s Emu is one app to be integrated into Facebook Messenger

At Facebook’s F8 developers’ conference, the company announced 40 app developers that will be integrated with Messenger. Emu, a two-week old app, is one of the lucky few

At Facebook’s F8 developers’ conference last Wednesday, the company made a dramatic announcement.

Facebook is transforming its Messenger app into a platform, enabling “developers to easily build apps that integrate with Messenger; so that the more than 600 million people who use Messenger can find new, fun ways to express themselves with GIFs, photos, videos, audio clips and more.”


イスラエルのEmuはFacebook Messengerに統合される1つのアプリ




mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

To create a sticker “or emu,” as the app calls them, just snap a selfie, align your head with the outline, and then the fun part begins as you choose from a wide variety of animated backgrounds.

For instance, you can give yourself a pair of animated angel’s wings, devil’s horns, rainbows, hearts or even teddy bears. Once you’ve chosen the background, you can send your emu through Messenger. Your friend doesn’t have to have installed Emu to view the special effects of your head festooned by teddy bears, but should your friend choose to reply in kind, he will be given the option of installing the app.




mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Speaking to Geektime, Hanes says the Emu app was launched in the iTunes store just two weeks ago, and that’s why they were surprised to get a call from Facebook. Since Facebook’s announcement at the F8 conference, Hanes says they’ve seen a surge of percentage points in the thousands of people installing and using the app.

What is their business model? Hanes says the company plans to partner with content brands like Hello Kitty and others and charge users money for branded stickers.

In addition, movie studios that want to market a new film can pay Emu to feature their character in the app.



